Page 453 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 453
Tabl^ No; 2 (B),—Imports from the different countries in the Port of Busftirc (luring the years
1912-1J and 1913-14, classified according to Persian Customs—contd.
1912-13. 1913-14. 1912-13. 191314.
£ £ Ton*. Ton«-
Sill Tania—
India 1 DO
Turkey 1 15
Total 2 G5
ruiCfJ of «ilk—
India . 7:0 1,922
United Kingdom 78
Turkey i'T G8
China . 152 G3
Franca . G6
Gentaay . 3S4
Other ccustrica 3
Total 1,7'JO 2,182
Tijr^ii of silk .-Jti-.l with cciion—
Gensary . , 2.-:.: J 3,076 3 4
United Kingdom 1,31*5 1,503 2 1
India . . l/Jol 796 l 1
Turkey . . , 72 222
France . . ill 91
Total 6,740 6,293 6 8
Gold and Silver thread—
India . 670 1.378 3 0
Germany ICO £61 3
Other centric* DS
Total 770 2.297 3 9
L«e and embroidery—
India 573 744
Turkey 02 296
United Kingdom 68
Franc* . . 6
Total £65 1A14 |
Tiuue, not (peciCed—
India .
Turkey 426 869
Germany 266 336
United Kingdoi 452 194
Other countrie* 71
20 29
Total 1,234 1,499