Page 448 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 448
Tajile No. a (B) —Imports from the different countries in the Port of Bushire during the yCarg
I9I3-I3. and 1913-14, classified according to Persian Customs—contd.
1312-13. 1313-14. 1012-13. 1913-14.
Z Toe*. Tout.
Dntrh Indict 10,850 S3 71
lB«t?« . 9,213 93 07
Chin* . 6,182 43 40
Other countries 12 2
Total 2G.2S7 23,738 220 170
Ycat: dried. salted, prcxrrcd—
United Kingdom 81 207 1 2
led5.* . 719 149 8 1
Other countries • 77 19 1 2
Total 877 425 10 6
Drugs nod medicines—
3,815 •1,0*5
Ut.itid Kingdom 1,166 1,339
Germany 206 2'6
Turkey 314 101
Other countries 19 2iO
Total 3,010 | 0,059
Slices— 1
Ici-a . 7,033 | 3,713 ■ lil 171
Other ccnntrics 89 191 1 3
Total 7,172 8,909 145 174
United Kingdom 56 1 ;
Germany 21 1 1
Oiler countries !
4 i
Total 77 6 1
OU cloth—
India 4
OiL<r conntxies 59 107
Total 60 107
Bobber manufacture*
\ 46 6
United Kingdom 4,092 0,949 3 19
Turkey 457 423 1
Ginatay 153 172
France . 84 150
Italy • 12 89
Other countries SI
62 25
Total 4,360 7359 4 10