Page 445 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 445
during the years
rn^._Imports from the different countries ia the Port of Bushfre
•fable N°- a
I9I3-IJ* and 1913-14, classified according to Persian Customs—con .
1012-13. 1913-14. | 1012-13. 1011-14.
£ £ Toe*. Toot.
C .*«— 83 30 1
In-Pa . 3 6
OlL.'J touutrie*
Total 83 36 1
R:.x— 10,3:0 32,350 1,101 2,713
In-Tim . 10 1 3
Oilr-X countrica •13
Total 10,563 32,390 1.405 2,71#
India 5 2.2S5 1 219
Tu tc.r . 135 564 23
Bhlxuq . 2 412 56
0:Uix couutr.c* 1
Total 112 3,292 21 391
7'.-ley . 131 1,623 41 270
In2*.a . Ml 66 27 11
0:Lir voautne* 3 19 3
Total 325 1,70S 63 281
0*ler gra’c—
; 1.255 1,703 123 160
Tc-lej . 376 Cl 5 59 77
O’dit; couutxxc* 12 36 3
Total 1,9-13 2,385 1S1 210
Ux-ited Kin^ioa 35 83 1 3
it.Sa . , . 74 72 1 3
0'2mS countrica 1 13
Total 110 173 3 5
IzJ-a . 2,016 175 1,370
Rswa . 41 } 29
OiLcr countries 41 8 s
£4 01 |
Total 14,448 183 1,401