Page 440 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 440
Table No. i ;A).- Comparative Statement of Imports into Busltirc from nil countries durlnir t*,
years 1911-12, 1912-13 and I913-14. K at
Inorrve :n Doc'cmc in ArrnoxiMATK tbe-
1913-14 101114 CENTACB,
Country. 1911-12. 1912-13. 1213-14. coin| nr.-.1 compared
1912-13. 191213. 1912-13. 1913.U.
India ... 2C4.253 215 SH 263,410 46.593
Unit'd Kingdom . 3V7.0T5 43 !.6*/3 232,061 22 99 32 71
Belgium . . . 39,191 49.S-54 115/I-7 03,1 73 201,002 47 67 3 - -:o
Germany ... 3;. C0.9JI 4V*:i7 *17.934 6*21 13.3
Fiance • . • 3«V*S3 6..531 43,336 701 Cv3
Au-tria ... 1>.9 9 27.3 «7 32,938 6.1*1 7,107 635 C <9
Turkey . . . 20.919 33,181 32,628 *2.860 289 3 21
Dutch Idle* . . l'VCl 10,790 173 3-73 3,j
Hiisida ... 1 .021 8,440 115 111
Chinn ... 9.314 7,171 4,631 1 37 1 01
Bahrain . 2.904 2.2S6
United Slatci of Aiccrlcn 6,32-1 1.33S 6,105
Italy 57 1.07S 1,921
Maskat . 1,112 706 ‘
Kuwait . 2,127 cco, 40G 238 i-:3
Oman 25*.l 05 1,477
Aden 1 CS C7 194
Japan 38 3
Otlu-r c;-alrie* ■ 35
Egypt - 1 9 1 8
7: r.iL 817.753 ; 93.,720 J c 25,707 115.1:7 211.203
! 10-J-00 ; It* 0
I)«ica»e £123,053.
Table No. 1 B).—Comparative Statement of Exports from Bushirc to all countries during the
years 1911-12, 1912-13 and 1913-14.
i Increase Decrease AlTEOX'MATK I n-
I >o in
Country. 1911-22. 1912-13. i 1913-11. • 1913-14 1913-14 CE> TAGE.
. , c,i«| a.-ei compared
1 ‘ with with
1912-13. 1912-13. 1912-13. 1913-14.
Dutch Indie* . 5.155 £7,154 2:8.885
India . • 61.7* 6 -11,431 6-S7 4 US
United Kingdom • 2&-.39S 122.119 | 99.41*4 22,975 1920 1653
Turkey . • 36,o:. 2 4'.794 96,9.19 1»-0.151 41-32 10 11
Egypt . 25.S21 -*'.473 21 It 8 18,602 7-06 5-2
China ... 108.-76 £3.127 21.066 2,165 414 <•1
Bahrain 1<V*2 42.071 993 3-50
Germany C1.1S3 26,086 18.758 2,673 251 3 12
United State* of America 10.V1S 1,981 3*24 310
France ... 2,351 5.409 l»i,15S 12,949 2-72
Kuwait • . 1.P99 1.423 8.157 6.7.°9
Aden . • • 1.242 3,147 6,504 3.157
Belgium 5,5^1 1-612 4.641 3,029
Aufria • 1.009 2,012 2.497 483
Oman . . 1^10 2,t88 1,801
Mukat 731 2J77 1,5-16 631 3*3 4 S3
Russia . . ' . 2^15 7 CO 14
Italy . ij 5,448 558 4,890
Oiler countri** 109 •4.031 146 145
Total co?^oo 037,091 0/1,705 242.612 277,938 10000 lOoOO
Dccjxum £35^28.