Page 437 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 437

          The B-lgian Irnml is sold by the cone and The.-:-? figures are of special interest as the
       no! by weight; owing to its small size, purchase arrival of the first consignments of Anglo-Persmn
       of a complete cone at one time is uot beyond the Oil from Moharnencinh virtually synchronis' d with
       pnvcr.s of the poorest classes.      the opening of the period under review, and they
          Ollier brands -marled were'       Iberrfo.crepresent the• orient of the achievement
                                            of the company in Bushire during the fir-tvear
            (1) Marseilles, Kaffincric St. Louis—in of its activity. In spite of this new competitor,
                 large cones, sold by weight, has no actual impoits of American oil rose by almost
                 retail market in Ilnsbire;  (•’.)   100 per cent., but the customs returns would
                 Hungarian U.Z J., liked for taste, seem to show that only a fraction of the total
                 but badly packed ; (3) German quantity landed has been cleared from bond before
                 U.T.O., an inferior quality.   the end of the year.
          mi ...        .     i i p i r        Kerosene lighting is still practically the only
          Tlic rapid .ncreaso in the demand for loaf t,.;ud „:ct with in Persia, and is noted elsewhere.
       s„gar is attributed partly_ to the spreading use lbe dcnand for kerosene in the interior tends to
       of lea among nomads and other tubes,non and ;ncrc:l=c TOarly. There are private electric light
       jortlv to a change in the fashion whu-h now do- iuslal!a.;-„ns at Mohan,moral, and a company is
       ,Hands the use of quick dissolving loaf sugar for Mw cr;o(i a bllt at Bushire.
       purposes, notable- in tea, for which crystal sugar Ret.,il pnvei of Persian kerosene, which sold
       was  used in the past. The Persian ,s a great ^ ,8, nra|,3 .,or c;,se in April, had fallen to 1 -1
       Ua-dnuker and !:ses Ins tea turned into a son of krans‘iB A«gbt. American oil fell in sympathy
       5-ruP*                              ! but ro.-k? again in September tol7kr;«i:s, while
                                           i  Anglo-Persian j rices remained in the neighbour­
          Crystal Sugar.—Recent imports have been:—  hood vf 13—1 i kraus till March, when the price
                                  Tons.    • also rose to 17 krans. No Russian oil was on
            IC-iO-lO              2,201      the market through the winter.
            1910- 11              2,254
            1911- 12              2.246        Wheat, Barley & Flour.—As has been
            1912- 13              3.704      remarked elsew!.ere, there was no export of wheat
            1013-14               2,925      to Eur.-.-pe during the year, the harvest proving a
          Of the imparts for 391-3-11 customs ascribe   total failure.
       1 ,SG7 tons to Austria, 973 tons to Germany and   As early as October 1913 the scarcity prevail­
       So tons to India. These figures however cannot   ing in Fars was causing anxiety, and a quantity
       be exact, as daring the year under review, it   of some 250 tons was imported in November and
       is known that a quantity of some 1,24S lous of   December from India to make up the deficiency-
       crystal sugar w*s imported to Busbire direct   Barley was also imported in unasual quun”
       from England and about half of this was British   tities during the same months, while from
       refined, the rest probably foreign sugar tran-   September onwards India was called upon to
       shipped^English ports.
                                             supply an unprecedented amount of flour.
          The' retail price of the best crystal sugar   Harvest prospects for the coming year axe
       remained about 3 krans per man of 7$ lbs. till   excellent.
       October 1913, when it rose to 3} brans.  Arms.—There is a large item of £5,525 from
          Kerosene.—The origin of kerosene brought   India under this heading. This represents chiefly
       to Bushire during the year as compared with   a large consignment of rifles imported for a new
       figures of 1912-13 was as follows :—  force called the Fars army formed during the
                                             year. The Persian gendarmerie under Swedish
                                             officers procures its arms in Germany and the
                              1912-13.  1213-11.
                               Cases.  Cases.  large import of 1912-13 probably sufficed to
                                             supply the force's needs, at any rate in the South,
                                             for there was no further legitimate import from
        F rotn Uni ltd States   30,158  59.396  that quarter during the year under report.
                                                Unmanufactured Metals.—The   increase
         n MobsTmnerah ( Anglo__.
               Persian )          50   54,561  under all heads may be attributed to the general
                                              tendency for imports to find their normal level
        h Russia                 3,016  4,500  with the rc-establishment of comparative security
                                              on the roads and cheaper transport.
                                33,223  118,457  Tea.—The history of the import of tea at
                                              Bushire illustrates the harm that^an be done by an
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