Page 433 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 433
Despite the filthy cor.dition of the town ar..l
it> m-protectcd wells yielding scanty and brackish 1012-13. 1313-11.
water, bowel complaints have been few and Cholera
absent- Cases of malaria were cot numerous and No. Puli^e]. No. Packages.
were of mild type.
Of epidemic eye diseases in Bushire, Trachoma Andrew Weir and Company 13 8
y the most prevalent and causes an iminensa and other chartered
amount of chronic and permanent cyo trouble. •teamen.
The total number of deaths recorded from all British India Swam Navi- 00
causes was 525, of which half—202—were children. gat'en Company, Limited. 39.023 107 125.735
About SO copses in coffins, after temporary
burial for a minimum period of three Tears, were Arab Steamers, Limited 13 5.733 8 ■#,SU
removed in June, Julvand August 1913 to the Bombay .and Persia Steam 15 4,403 8 331
sacred shrines at Karbala. Navigation Com pin;,
Three ships carrying pilgrims, under the Limited.
British flag, to Jeddah were medically inspected P<r«ian Golf Steam Navi- 3 4.: 54
at Bushire, according to the Indian Pilgrim gat ion Company, Limited.
Shipping Act now made applicable to tLe Persian
Shipping.—Tlio total shipping of the port of Trtal . 187 IC-9.57S 1C2 223.334
Bushirc showed a >liglit dc-clino v.ich 102 ei.trances
against 201 in 1912-13, ami ]>:3 clearances Freights—The export rate for general cargo
against 190. There was a slight increase iu the to the United Kingdo: i stoi d at 25*. 0.7. per scale
total t . unage of entrances. ton till October 1913, when it fell to 20*. oY.
The number of British sh:.;s ontvrir.g and Shells were charged 30* per ton of 20 cwt. and
clearing the port dropped by over 20, a? opium 2Zf. per case throughout the yeftr. No
compared with the previous year, while the grain was shipped.
German movement Mas nearly doubled, with
23 vessels entered at d 22 cl-ared. Seven Bates to India were as follows throughout the
llu-sian ships entered the port as against 5 in year
1912-13. Almond kernels and in R«. 10 p« ten of 16 c-.rt. (Rs. IS
Shipping with India remained almost stationary, abells. by fast coil.)
hut the direct sailings to and from the United Gum and general . . Rc 10 per :~o of 20 cwt. (Rs. 15
Kingdom fell off considerably owing to the total by fait mail).
failure of the harvest. Bundles and skins . R*. 25 per ton of 20 cwt.
In the course of the year the Persian Gnlr
Steam Navigation Company, Limited, was formed Cases rosewater . . Re. 1 each.
by Persian capitalists in Bombay, where the* ships Carboys, rosewater . annas 8 each.
arc registered. The first vessel lift Bombay for Bandies of wool . . Rs. 5 each.
the Gulf in December 1913.
The following table shows the cumber of ships Bandies, cotton . Ra. 2-8 each.
of the various British Companies, with the number Rates on opium for Hongkong and Singapore
of packages brought by them to Bnshire?— were Rs. 50 per case.
Rates for general cargo to the United Kingdom
131213. ! 1913-14. in recent years have been :—
i £ «. i. £ t. d.
Nc. Package*. t No. Packages.
i 1907-08 10 0 to 0 15 0
^nglo-AIgcrian Steam Ship 24 64,351 I 13 56.889 190S-09 0 15 0 0 17 6
Company, Limited.
Hockoali-Etlcrman Lines, 15 25,371 10 37,390 1909-10 0 17 6 10 0
Limited. 1910-11 10 0 9 16 0
^est Hartlepool Stcrm 6 191J-12 12 6 m 17 0
Navigation Company,
Limited. 1912-13 16 6
1913.14 15 6 m 1 0 G