Page 436 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 436
The fallowing list, *h‘»wing th? number of Prices of the principal lines in 191*2-13 ari,j
j';oo8 of various Tinea imputed is compile! from 1913-11 were as follows :—
information supplied by .merchant*; it is not
exhaustive, nor is classification always correct.
It is hoped however that the information it con 1912-13. 1913-14.
tains may not prove entirely valueless.
Knuic Knot.
iwo-io.: lr.o-u. ibiwj. 1913*14. Motion* . . 32-33
I 33-33
White shirting* . 38—3i| —37 37-35-39-a;
rirova. Pi<;«*. _ Piece*. Piece*. Piece*. Livpiranu'* abirt-
I in"i 3SJ—39-381 331—!•}
mid ail grty I r— : White mull* 12J—13—131—13 13-13J* (IS White nainsooks I
j.\rJ*) . . . 17.620 29.2SJ 43,259 17-18-181 1S1— 19-20—181—1T|
Mrilrini (H White cambric* . 1 per yard.
»*rd.) . . 15150 7,5cO 6.624 16,5"* 1.1M '
While and gr*» Mnslic* 1,0 75 0-70. 1*50, 2. 123
.hirting . . . 3J.I77 3V.U V..2U M.«* 46,026
White moll* . .j l\7i3 ».::i w.*:; | 3?.iw Ganzc 41 4j—l—51—i
„ Xismjl . ->.722 z::* 6V*.j «*.:« I0.4G7
! , TnP.U—
Cv ibrlc*, drills J
iwill- i-: l li .ii. : 1.051 ; ::,3i> i:.;y: 25.7*6 • 17.C13
WhitO Sirs* . . i 1.513 !?.»•.* 16,7-1 5.*.*5 ; 13.191 r.cj 41 381-13—11-42-50
Black . 43—50 CO—43—>3—53—5*
Ctltnrri gttit
P:lnts (art red, Purple . 30 33—CO—10—| •
Olicharie t
etc. . . 126.543 Dababrt, red and
Print*. u’eri, 83,703 purple . 261—29-tS -2" 25—2-5—23J—23
lacnu . . . . 45.0*6 142.WJ 157,632 . 1 ».?0i ; Crimp* . 35
D!»eV and while 43—GO—50
print* . . , ;.?I7 3.'67 23,201
DuV«h r* (al«o 1 I Loaf Sugar.—There was an enormous in
cU*sc cd a* pin:*; 37,478 | 13^*T1 18. Vi I 853C.} 63.359 crease in the import of loaf sugar, in spite of
IPack twill* . • 3S4 l.\T» ' 10.363 ».OW i 10.112 the large quantities remaining in stock at the
Bed and parpV beginning of the year. Figures for recent yeans
twill*. . . . 17,162 14.T3 ] 61,41.* < V.:?4 16,705
Bed and pnrple have been:— Ton*.
Boll* . . . ’. 13.217 1.53J 15,561 1 *334 \jai 190G-07 .
1907*08 .
Black mall* . . ; r^jj e.3» 1908-09 .
„ and dj*d 1909*10 .
Italian* • • 2,663 4JC 4.50? ; r.iu 11,030 1910- 11 .
Crimp* .... 9.076 j 1%JI1 31,450 : 35.013 16,340 1911- 12 .
1912- 13 .
hloilio*. ltoo*. etc. 3,410 aj« HjT.6 j 15.J30 me 1913- 14 .
Black and grry As will be Been from the tables annexed to
drill* . . - 697 692 697 I this report, imports of this article from Belgium
£at<*n* aod | (RafGnerie TirMmontaise) rose in one year from
Alpt> ** . . . 1*3 6.3« 1U® • r.9M 6,507 2,1 SO tons to tne stupendous total of 5,550 tons.
Brocad** . . 1. 63 . 1/17 m
Imports from France, Germany, and elsewhere
Coating* . . 4/10 remained more or less stationary.
XI i*c cl I ancon* Prices of the Belgian brand of 1*50 kilo
own) • . 19.778 17.952 10,7» . 36,076 64JW cones varied between 64$ krans in July 1913 to C0|
I krans in December and January 1914- (£1-3-5 J-y
£1-2-0) per bag of 36 cones or 54> kilos. This
brand is also sold in cones of 1*60 kilos, but th«
Torat. . 250,876 413.333 660,113 , 76*^28 483,101
tendency is for this size to disappear.