Page 438 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 438
ur.f lentilie tariff, a? will bo seen from the following • :'.v.\ 110 Ions, while (lie United Kngdom and
figures of iinjrtjrt? :— China only claimed 11 and 10 tons, respectively.
The small exj ort to the United Kingdom je
attributed to the low prices prevailing owing to
To'al Qh»t.v?j
| in.j’ .rt at fn tho suecosful Turkish crop.
! l!a»li:r«*. India.
The direct export to China has diminished in
consequence of restrictive regulations, hut it may
Ton*. Torn. lesurmised that tho opium shipped to Singapore
wentuallv finds its way to that country. The
IPCC-r-H . 832 75*
r.*i Vi trade with Sing.'H'orc only dales from the intro
r.-tv-io . 3 T 2-1 duction of restrictions on the import of opium into
lot- -11 . 512 China. Thus exports from Bushire have been; —
1011*14 . •I 275 111
IMS 13 . '."20 £>3
j?n :i. 170 :-7 ! I’nitcJ
Total. • Kmp* China. Sing*.
Black Induu’tcais taxed «*• hransabatman (orat I dom.
the most nvuli-rate estimate 33 j>.*r vent, mi rtilor> m)
and suffers must severely. The use of tea is spread Tons. , Tons. Toni. Tons.
ing rapidly year by .year; yet the amount legi 175 ! 07
tim *:cly imported tends to grow small- rand smaller. 5-09 . so 30 90 xa
It ;s notorious that tea is s.-M in the bazaars at a I C.'-IO . 37 11 21 XU
:c-.-ii .
p:i:-* below the cost j ri<c of the 1- glumatcly i:n- 1' G 05 45 2
]or: d article. The t«-a is il.-s; taken to pmt«on ::-*2*i3 . I i no SI 29 14
the Arab c ast, where a duty of 3jer • c.-.t. ml r-\ *r- 133 11 10 116
»n is charg'd. and tUn >muggb.d across in
nat're craft. Thus, whil • Is* than on.* ton f l tea Opium with only C percent, of morphia finds,
wa« legitimately export'd to Persia from Bahrain i* is said, a market in Singapore.
during 1V1-3-1 4, it is estimated that a quantity A laiire im: orting firm in England lias com-
no less than 330 ton-h-ft that port alone and was nvmicatod ad\icc to exporters to the following
smuggled across during the year. Were the eff-.vt :—
duty rodu.-ed to even 10 j-r c ut.these can belittle Mashhad opium is preferred to, and commands
doubt that most of tho smugjV*! tea would outer a higher price than, other Persian opium, because
Persia through customs, f**r, if smuggled, the tea i: is of more attractive appearance, and is purer
must in any case pay th- 3 p-r cent, in the A mb ti: :n other qualities.
poiis, and the possibility of suv-ng nno.i: rii Mashhad opium should be pale in colour, very
per cent, only would liaid’y compensate thesmug- drv. wry hard and brittle if it is to retain the
glor f-.-r the risk and extra, expense involved i« lhe j reference it commands at present.
operation. The customs revenues would ibus It is recommended that bricks bo made in one
stard to gain rather than t-» lose by a considerable size only, 16 ozs. but not over; the best size of
reduction in the scale of duty. ld-oz. bricks measures 4J X 21 x 2 inches.
A few consignments may also be sent in 12-
oz. bricks, but the lS-oz. size is slow of sale.
Opium.—The transhipment fees leviable on To be of ready sale the opium should contain
che^s « f opium at the ports of Bombay, Karachi about 104 ppr cent, morphia, but occasionally the
and Aden were reduced, with effect from 1st verv high testing stuff will command a small
January 1914, to the nominal rate of rupee one additional price; the chief point how’cvcr is that
per chest, irrespective of the weight of the c-hests it should be bard, dry and pale.
and the number of chests in any consignment. Persian and Turkish opium are different
The new regulations for the control of the articles used for different purposes. They compete
production and sale of opium, foreshadowed in last only when prices are about equal, manufacturers
year*3 report, have now come into force. buying whichever quality is most advantageous
The total export of opinm from Bushire in to them at the time.
3913-14 may be said to have been normal, but a Essential Oils.—Attempts to export bulk*
remarkable feature was the diversion of most of hung beriies have so far failed, prices offered in
the opium to Singapore, * which took no le-s London scarcely covering the cost of the berries in
Bushire. Uncertainty as to the quantity avail
• .Y.J.— Fidt rote at tnat=cf page 5 re iLipinesit to able has been another difficulty.
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