Page 444 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 444

Tabic No. * (B).—Imports from the different countries In the Port of Bushirc during the years
                         I9I3-U, and 1913-11, classified according to Persian Customs—contd.

                                                         1912-13.  1013-14.  191213.  1913-14.
                                                           t       t      Ton*.   Toni.
               Brandy, v1i!*\t, spirit 1 of wine—
           Kiiigudo .                    763     i,och     9      13
                    llid a .   .   •                        207    173       3
                    Fiance .   .   •                       161     16S       a
                    Ifu-.'a ...                             54      81 S     1
                    Gimany   .   .                          31      13               3
                    Turley ...                              35       6
                    l(a*y .                                          3
                    ila.kat .                               29
                                                Total     1.300   1,445     15      18
                    Gerrnr.y                               331     415      10      20
                    Un : J Kingdom                          70     136       4       7
                    ltu». a .                               23      30       1
                    In l'a                                  38      14       3       3
                    OlLv.* countries                         7      22
                                                Total      4S3     623      21      30
               Mi: era 1 Ware-                              36      25
              Lear nadoe                                             7
                    India .                               5.239   1.M3     no
                    I tale                                  •16    351       1      34
                    Germany                               1,476    327      33       9 8
                    0:i \r ruuntrica                         2       5
                    B»-”ciouj                             1,025             26
                    United Kicgd>a                         991              25
                                                Total     8,779   2,196    199      51
              Coal and Charcoal—
                    Glhir countries                       1,594  ,2.491    295     440
                                                            27      23       7-      6
                                                Total     1.621   2,514    302      446
                    India .
                    Turkey .                               614     219       6       S
                    Other countries                        3291    224       4       2
                                                            40>     16
                                                Total      8.S3    459      10       4
              Cocoa and Chocolati
                    Coiled Kingdom
                    India .                                 30      16
                   German/ .                                21      8
                                                Total       61      26
   439   440   441   442   443   444   445   446   447   448   449