Page 449 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 449
Tatlc No. a (B).—Imports from the different countries In the Port of Bushire during the years
1913.13, and 1913-14, classified according to Persian Customs — conid.
1912-13. 1913-14. 1912-13. 1913-11.
£ £ Too*. Toe*.
Unit. J SUlc* of America . C.U8 L35S 067 134
Rov'a . ljC-97 SOI 93 92
OlLcr countries . . 133 27 12 3
ToUl 7.553 2.276 772 229
Ml-fral oil* cot specified . 21 1
V-il:*! «n<l Scientific Instrument;
India . t • • 196 473
OtLir countries . 95 18
Total 291 491
* project > not specified 131 51 61 6
V;;. ->l project*—
C . 1 iron, etc.—
India . • 33 21 2 2
•Jalvaniied L-on . • G3 2
I ron, sf«I, in bars, etc.— !
India . 1.332 7.219 93 163
Unite l Kingdom n I 3<V 2 28
Ru-ris . . . 55 9
Gere ny 145 j 72 4 5
Kuwait . . 43 6
Oder countries 36 ! 4 3
Total 1.506 7.S50 107 203
He In sheets—
India . 216 I 150 9 5
OtUr countries 33 I 1
Total 251 150 10 5
Inn and sted manufactures—
India • . . 2,771
Germany . 5.0S3 SO 121
Chics . . • 266 3*10 1 2
United Kingdom . 230 1 1
Russia . . • 338 158 13 3
Oder oonntries a
56 27 1 1
Total 3,653 5,841 98 128
T=, lead and_ rine in bars, blocks, etc.—
India «... 2,929
China .... 6.647 33 37
United Kingdom . . 6 }
Other conutric. a 73 1
Total 2^37 6,933 33 38