Page 450 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 450


  ■ •.                                                24-
                  Tnblc No, a Imports from the different countries in the Port of Bushirc during the years
                             I9I2-IJ. nnd 1913-14, classified according to Persian Customs —contd.   '

                                                            J912-13.  191314.  1912-13.  1913-14.
                                                              £       £      Ton*.    Ton*.

                  Tin and line manufactures                    Ill      2G       2
                  Copper and nickel in ban—
                        India .   .                            373    4.433      6       1*5
                        Unlit <1 Kingdom                       •103   2,016      C       u
                        France .                                       213               4
                        Oiler countries                         20
                                                    Tol&l      7CS    C.722     11       73
                  Copper and nickel maunfactarcs—
                        ltn«ii* ...                            39?     742       1       2
                        India .   .   .                        623     620       4        I
                        Other countrica                         2        7
                                                   Total      1,03.3  1,369      5       6
                  Aluminium in ban—
                        India .                                 33
                  Aluminium manufactures—
                        India .                                2S-5    333       1       2

                  Gold and silrer manufacture*—
                        India                                  20-1    209
                        Germany   •                            225     236
                        Austria .   .                                   35
                        United Kingdom                          15      30
                        Otlcr countries                         1»       5
                                                    Total      4€0     535
                  Precious stones—
                        India .                                 20      37
                        Other countries                         41
                                                    Total       61      37
                  Stones, worked and unworked                   21       7      16
                   Mineral products not specified—
                        India •   •   .                        163     211      30      52
                        Other countries                         43     29S      46      474

                                                    Total      206     506      76      556
                  Cotton, raw—
                        India                                   1      124               S
   445   446   447   448   449   450   451   452   453   454   455