Page 452 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 452
Tnblc No. 2 (B),—Imports from the different countries in the Port of Bushirc during th years
X9I2-X3, aUii 1913M. classified According to Persian Customs—cor.tJ.
1912-13. 1913-14. 1912-1J» 1913-11.
R JC Ton*. Too*.
Carpet* nod Tahlo elotha—
Tarlcty . 20
InJift • • 6 80
ToUl 25 80
Indian shawl*—
, Ini i* 134 4S7
Turkey 3
Total 134 490
Tunes of pore wool
ly* . 4,"59 2.938 9 6 Kingdom 4.5v3 2.S26 13 6
Germany . 1,170 '■90 2
Tcrlfj . . 335 21S 1 2
Fn::e . 01 85 I
llflg'tra . 22
Bahrain 3
Total 10,770 6,799 23 11
Tlisues of woe! mixed with cotloo-^
LV:U-i Kingdom . 3. S'9 3,531 13 13
India .... 767 959 2 4
Germany . . • 231 1
Terkey ... 100 121
Austria ... 22 1
United State* of America 1
Total 5,103 4,870 IS IS
Jot* Yarn*—
India . 2 AW 76
Other 00uatrie* 100 *
Total 2,406 £0
Tisane* of JeAe—
Ccitfci Kingdom • 8
Tarns of fiax and homp—
India . . 91 3
United Kingdom 27 1
Total 118 4
Tune* of flax and hemp—
India s . , 533 8,971 14 100