Page 168 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 168

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                    of stone on the side of the road.      This,-now been for-
                    bidden and four Slipways have' been built which are used for
                    carrying stone up from the sea shore into the town,        The boots
                    now unload stone on the shore below the road and it is carried
                    HvflC up on donkeys directly to the place where it is required.

                    A pier has been built on the centre of the eastern side of the
                    road on which gutch and other building material can be stored

                    until it is removed 14 into the town.
                    Fire Stations.
                               Sir fire stations equipped with alarm bells have been
                    made in various parts of the town,      Previously when a fire

                    ocurred it was the practice of the Naturs to raise the alarm
                    by firing their rifles, a dangerous and unsatisfactory method.
                    Cemetrv Tfall.

                               A disused cemetry behind Ii. S. Shaikh Kamed's Palace
                    was surrounded by a stone wall.      The work was done by contract.
                    Boring 1'achine.

                               The Municipality shared with the Government in pur­
                     chasing a boring machine which is to be used in reboring several
                     of the town wells which have run dry.

                     Electric Light.
                               A separate note on this subject is attached.        The
                     Manama Municipality contributed 2($ of the total cost of the

                     Municipal Election.
                                The election^took place towards the end of the year

                     and for the first time they were organised according to a regular
                     system,    All property owners in the Municipal area are eligible
                     to vote.    The different communities, Arabs, Baharana, Persians,
                     Nejdis etc, each elected members, and a certain proportion      were

                     appointed by the Government,      The system of ballot box and
                     voting cards was instituted,      An intense amount of interest

                     was taken in the elections and 99;r„ of the eligible members of the

                     community voted.     The new Mujlis is a thoroughly representative
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