Page 189 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 189

                         BUDGET - 1350

        Revenue.    Customs receipts include the 5% customs duty,

        which is the main source of revenue, pier fees, biladya
        tax end the royalty paid by the Landing Company to the
           The budgeted figures have been estimated by me after

        considering the actual receipts of the first ten months
        of 1349, owing to my proceeding on leave before the end
        of the eleventh month I am unable to examine the figures

        for the whole year.
           For the first ten months of 1249 the customs receipts,
        excluding Khcnchia, were Rs 4,62,000/-.

           I have estimated in the Budget for 1350 that the customs
        receipts excluding Khanchia, will show a decrease of Ks
        & 14.000/- throughout the completed year, when compered

        with the 1349 collections, presuming tiiat the last two months ^
        1249 produce a similar average to the first ten months of
        that year.
           On customs receipts of Rs 5,40,000/- which is the esti­

        mated amount for 1350, the Khanchia at the existing rate
        would amount to fs 60,000/- thus bringing the total customs

        receipts up to six lacs only for the whole year,         This six
        lacs, with the addition of the other items of revenue which
        tiie State derives from all other sources would then fall

        snort of the .required sum wuicli is absolutely necessary to
        cover the ordinary recurrent expenditure, which ius been
        reduced to the very minimum amount, by one lac of rupees.

        •.ithout drawing again heavily on the Reserve fund it would
        be impossible to cover the ordinary expenditure during the
        coming year,     The Revenue must be raised by one lac of

           On examining the State’s present sources of income, epert
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