Page 20 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 20

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                           that year, as far as oan'be ascertained from the existing
                            reoords, Is attached,   I would mention that during this
                           time there was no regular accountant clerk in the Government
                           Office, and much of the work and accounts were done hy
                           Kajor Paly himself.
                                 3. With referenoe to paragraphs two and threo. In
                           the Budget for 1343, the estimated closing balanoe was

                           put at Bs. 2,46,310/-, but the actual closing balanoe was
                           greatly in excess of this estimate for the following reasons.
                                 (I)  Only Bs. 56,173/- was spent out of the'threo
                                      laos which were allocated to Water Supply.
                                 (II)  An Increase of Bs. 2,17,661/- over the estimated
                                     Bs. 10,25,000/- received from the Customs. This
                                      large Increase seems to have resulted from tho
                                      war in Arabia whioh closed Bed Sea ports and so
                                      increased imports into Hejd, via the Gulf; also
                                      from a good pearling season In 1342.
                                 4.  The saving from I and the Increase in IIt would
                           result In an additional Bs. 4,61,488/- to the estimated
                           closing balance from 1343.   The 1343 Budget is stated to
                           have been a very conservative one; the difference between
                           the estimated closing balance and the actual closing balanoe
                           was about Bs. 5,50,000/- •

                                 5. Poring the years 1343 A 44, various amounts were
                           transferred from the funds In Bahrain and put Into deposit
                           aooount at the Lloyd's Bank, Ltd., Bombay. The closing
                           balance shown in the attached statement does not Include
                           the three laos whioh were on fixed deposits at the end of
                                 6. The opening balanoe for 1344 was made up as follows.
                              Cash In Fixed Deposits  •.  *■.  ..  Bs. 3,00,000/-
                                      Current accounts.
                                      Bombay 82,789/-
                                      Bahraln.1,09.189/-               1.91,978/-
                                      Survey Account ••                  51,786/-
                                      Deposit Aooount ••               3.59,684/-

                                                                  Bs. 9,03,448/-
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