Page 281 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
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           mostly small shopkeepers and butchers, few of them were
           known to Shaikh Hamad personally.       They were led by one

           Abdu Ali Alewat a second rate merchant who had previously
           caused a great deal of trouble in conrection with the
           schools, and two brothers, Aulad al Tajar notorious mis­

           chief makers. They surrounded Shaikh Hamad and began
           to shout at him and one of. them produced a document which
           he claimed to be a petition from the whole Shi a popula­

           tion of Bahrain. Abdu Ali made a long and very violent
           speech in which he attacked the Government, the Shia Kadis,
           the schools, wakf department and other government insti­

           tutions. In a very insolent manner, loudly applauded
           by his supporters, he demanded the immediate cancella­
           tion of the proclamation and a guarantee from the Govern­

           ment that never in the future would such legislation be
           proposed. The Arabs who had been sent for by Shaikh

           Hamad endeavoured to calm the Bahama, except Yousuf
           Fakroo who expressed similar views, but politely. The
           young Khalifah Shaikhs, who were sitting along the sides

           of the majlis, and Shaikh Hamad's followers who were
           also present, were obviously furious at the behavour of
           the Bahama but as Shaikh Hamad made no attempt to call

           them to order it was impossible for anyone else to do so.
             ^Shaikh Hamad adopted a conciliatory and almost apole-
           getic attitude.     He made a speech, which was repeatedly
           interrupted, explaining the necessity for the proclama-

           tion.    This had no effect.     The talk went on for about an
           hour and then people divided themselves up into groups,

           some going outside and shouting together,        One or two of
           the Arabs obviously encouraged the Bahama although through-
           out the meeting their attitude was respectful,         Suddenly

           for no particular reason, the position seemed to change and
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