Page 284 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 284
Revenue in 1350 - & 8,080/-
Expenditure - 18,513/-
TTork done during the year.
1. Registrations) - 246
of Sales .. -
2. Exchanges - 13
3. Gifts • • 30
4. Titles . • • - 286
Land Registration. There is an increase of 181
registrations over the previous year and an increase
in the fees collected of almost three thousand rupees.
There is a slow but steady demand for the registration
of titles, although this is not compulsory, The public
appreciate more and more the advantage of holding a
Government title deed for their property. Owing to
the trade depression the value of land continues to
decrease and the low prices obtained by sales have
affected the receipts which the department receives
from the registration of the sales. The greatest
decrease in land values has been in the case of date
gardens; house property in Mnnanmh has not been affected
so seriously.
Besides registrations the Department has carried
out a great .deal of work in connection with court
cases dealing with land, boundaries, water rights
and divisions of property among heirs. A large
proportion of the cases in the Bahrain Court are of
this description and the compilation of reports and
plans for the information of the court take up a great
deal of time and often necessitates several visits by
the surveyors to distant parts of the islands.
Land Settlement. The large village of Kurzakhan