Page 317 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 317
i# 315
Revenue 1349 - Rs 17,925/-
" 1350 18,330/-
Balance end of 1350 11,186/-
Expenditure during 1350.
Repairs to buildings Rs 912/-
Upkeep gardens 1,256/-
Religious obligations 12,138/-
Departmental expenses 2,044/-
Purchase of new gardens 1,385/-
Rs 17,735/-
This department has now completed its third year.
It has been affected like all other departments by
the prevailing financial depression, particularly
because its revenue is derived entirely from rents
of date gardens and a few fish traps which are leased
by the country Bahama who are by far the poorest
community in Bahrain, The large balance of Es 10,3157-
owing to the department does not include the amounts
which were remitted from the rents in cases where the
Majlis was satisfied that the debtors were genuinely
unable to pay.
Some good work has been carried out during the year
in improving gardens, planting young date trees and
preparing ground which has fallen into disuse. In
Sitre and Jezirah especially the wakf property has
greatly improved and several hundred young trees have
been planted. Unfortunately in some cases the vil-
lagers do not appreciate this work and would prefer