Page 323 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 323


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          rupees for each, renewal.

             The Tobacco tax shows a rather unexpected gain due to-
          the increasing quantity of this import,       This commodity
          could, I think, well hear a heavier rate of tax.

             I give here a comparison of the actual receipts for
          the two years 1349 and 1350, from Customs and Import
          yard only.
                                       1349              1350

          SteamersT cargo    • •   3,32,524/-         2,73,578/-
          Native craft •     • •   1,08,908/-           93 691/-
          Parcels duty .     • •     11,124/-            9,234/-
          Passengers baggage         18,545/-           15,182/-
         Export Duty  • •    • •      1,831/-            2,352/-
          transhipment duty          27,583/-           38 052/-
         Miscellaneous fees           8,660/-            9,404/-
          Import yard charges      1,27,46?/-         1,78,197/-

                Totals             6,36,642/-         6,19,690/-

                 Deficiency in year 1350           Si 16,952/-

             It will be noticed that a deficiency occurs in all

          the classes of collections except Export Duty and Tran­
          shipment Duty, but it' is pleasing to note that the collec­
          tions upon native craft cargoes are but little less than

         last year. It will be remembered that just over a year
         ago certain adjustments in the conditions of R.X.Cargo
         were made, which, it was hoped, would give greater elas­

         ticity in the trade with the piainland. The increase
         in the receipts suggests that this may be the case.
             In general the reasons for the decrease in Customs

         receipts are substantially the same as for last year,
         although the quantity of ai sjslt has increased, and ,
         notably, cotton piece goods. Here, one notes with

         regret, India and Ehgland have been practically driven
         out of the local market by cheaper inferior and showier
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