Page 325 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 325
sea, within the port limits. This was notably the case
of the 96 Kuwait craft, which in general take cargoes from
Iraq to Karachi, and return with a manifest for Kuwait;
but visit Bahrain enroute mainly for this direct tranship
ment of rice. Their rates of freight are said to be
considerably lower than the 3.I.S.N. Coy’s rates, and ,
although they do not ply during the monsoon season, yet
their activity is encouraged by local Nejdy traders, and
this traffic is likely to be a competing factor with the
In the year 1349; 5,01,805 packages of cargo were
brought here by 96 steamers. In the year 1350;475,544
packages were brought here by 97 steamers. in-the-yea?
I give below a comparison of this traffic.
1349 1350.
Steamers Packages Steamers Pkgs.
B.I.S.N.Co. 53 373,944 51 287,846
Strick line 21 22,633 22 38,668
Hansa line 9 20,083 11 30.912
British Tanker 13 85,145 10 79,205
National S Coy 3 38.913
Totals 96 5,01,805 97 4T75’544/~
During the year 1349 the staff salaries, wages, and
office contingencies amounted to Rs 39,680/- while for
the year 1350, these amounted to Rs 39,403/- • a 5.7 %
of the receipts, There are vacancies for one clerk and
one apprentice.
The hand worked crane upon the Customs pier has
not been used so much as was expected; but its useful-,
ness has been well proven when it is applied to the removal
of heavy packages of machinery, motor cars eto. in arrange-
ment has been made for the adjustment with the Landing Coy.
of certain items of their Landing charges, which will make