Page 367 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
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(Judicial) 21 365
been issued calling for claims the court nequires
the applicants to produce witnesses to establish their
rights either by virtue of long residence or inheritance.
This extra proof is.of value and importance and in many
cases it has saved minors and women from being cheated
by their relations or guardians.
Appeals. A proclamation was issued at the begin
ning of the year laying down a system of appeals.
Appeals from the small court are referred to the 3ahrain
court and appeals from Bahrain court are referred to
E. 3. Shaikh Hamad himself, Appropriate fees are
levied in appeal cases, During the year only twelve
appeals were made from judgments in the Bahrain court
and in almost all cases the judgment of the.court was
Legislation on mortgages and title deeds.
An important proclamation was issued during the year
by which it was laid down that in the case of mortgages
persons who hold government title deeds have a prior
right over persons only holding sennads. This order
encourages the registration of titles and also prevents
further litigation on the question of boundaries, water
rights and titles to property which is held as mortgage
by claimants in courts, Considerable confusion existed
previously as the Shara law and the local custom differed
specifically on the matter of priority of claims. By
Shara law the mort 'age was invalid in certain cases
unless it had been actually taken into possession.
The law made by the government follows more closely the
local custom.
Sisdi case. This case is now entering on its fourth
year in the 3ahrain court but out of the mass of different