Page 363 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 363

                Police and public security.

                what was happening no attempt was made to interfere.
                The four uncles buried the girl’s body in the floor of

                the house and escaped. It is thought that they are in
                hiding in Xattar.
                   Towards the end of the year a night attack was made

                on the house <sf a Bahrani in Jed Ali, below Rafaa.
                After investigations the Police arrested one Isa bin
                Isa allkillah of Rafaa. The victim hovered for some

                time between life and death but finally recovered; the
                accused was tried and found guilty and sentenced to two
                years hard labour and deportation. The convicted man

                is a nephew of the notorious liohomed al nullah who was
                sentenced sane years ago to penal servitude in India
                together with several other members of a gang of gunmen

                who took part in a series of murderous attacks on
                Bahrani villages, which were instigated by some of the
             ana v/ho were finally captured after

                an unsuccessful attempt to assasinate H. 2. Shaikh Hamad.
                The attack an Jed Ali was made by several persons but
                unfortunately no information was obtained as to the

                identity of the other men. In this case none of the
                Ruling family were implicated.
                   Li op or. In ay last annual report I mentioned that

                there was an increase in the illicit manufacture and
                sale of liquor. A few years ago drunkenness was almost
                unknown in Bahrain but during the last year or two the

                habit of drinking liquor has increased very rapidly.
                The habit has been introduced by Jews, Iraqis and by
                Bahrain subjects who have travelled in "wet’1 countries*

                h- 2. Shaikh Hamad regards the use of alcohol by his
                subjects with extreme abhorrence and he is greatly
                coneernedhsesLse several of the younger members of hift
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