Page 361 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 361
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Police & Public security.
his agreement and returned to India Ms duties -were
transferred to Haji Salman bin Jasim, a SMa Bahrani
who has served in the Police since its formation but
who previously dealt almost entirely with criminal work.
During the celebrations of H. E. Shaikh Hamad’s corona
tion he was presented with a third star and Ms rank is
now the equivalent of a Eusbashi in the Egyptian any
or police, Various promotions were also made from
the local men.
Arrangements were made with the 10th Battalion,
Baluchi regiment to lend the State one Eavildar, two
ITaiks and four men as instructors and the traiMng of
the recruits has been mainly carried out by them.
Their services have been very valuable and owing to
their knowledge of the latest methods they are more
capable and useful than any of the old IT.C.Os. At
the same time two IT. 0.0s and two men of the Bahrain
Police have been sent to the 10th Battalion, Balnch
Regiment, KaracM, to undehtake a Mne months’ course
of traiMng as instructors so that when these four
men return they will he able to take the place of the
Indians who have been lent to the Bahrain Police,
Owing to the need of men for carrying out duties
it is not possible to give the recruits more than six
months training except in the case of individual cases
who fail in the tests. Their traiMng includes
physical drill, bayonet fighting, musketry, arms drill,
squad drill and instruction in general police duties.
The programme is an abbreviated form of the Indian Army
recruit training course with certain modifications.
It is proposed to train the men in laiM drill if an