Page 356 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 356
Pearl industry.
From this it will he seen that in 1929 the import of
pearls during the tliree months was worth almost 32
million dollars but the import during the same three
months of 1932 was only 162 thousand dollars.
Selaf and Tesqam advances. The amount of the Selaf
for the last season was decided as usual by a meeting of
merchants and nakhudas at Rs 30/- for a diver and 11s 25/-
for a puller. On Thursday 26th Hay which was the
official day for the opening of the season, a serious
riot took place in which two divers were killed and
several were wounded by shots fired by the naturs.
Jxt the time of the ocurrence I suggested that 1 should
furnish a full report on the natter but I was told that it
was not wanted so I did not send one* Should a report
on the diving industry he required 1 have the material
available and should be pleased to write fully, or
briefly, on the subject showing the changes and improve-
ments which have been effected since the introduction of
the Diving Reforms. The subject i3 one which interests
me particularly and I should be glad to furnish any
information about it.
The Tesqam was fixed for the same amount as the Selaf
at a similar meeting and it was decided that the next
Selaf should also be decided upon and the amount should
be announced in the same jJLaan that proclaimed theTesqam.
This suggestion was adopted and it was proclaimed that
the Selaf was to be the same sum os last year.
Ihe divers who were the rin;^Leaders of the riot and
who were among the foremost of the men who broke into
the Police station prison were sentenced to various terms
of hard labour, but on the occasion of H. E. Shaikh Earned1 s