Page 434 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 434
T'lo^es on Revenue and expenditure 1352.
The actual revenue received during 1352 me m*-ed
: z approximately Is 42,000 - more man the revenue
during 1351.
Customs receipts showed an increase of approxi
mately ns 8,000 This is explained in the Customs
report, the increase is mainly due to the increased
costons tariff which in the previous veer had only
existed for .some months.
Passports receipts show a falling off of about
Rents from government land and oil concessicm are
greatly increased owin'- to vaynants by the Bahrain
Petroleum Company and also the payment of the rent
of Hu ha r re q aerodrome.
Interest or. Reserve Fund has decreased ovir.-- to
the withdrawal of H 50,000/- from the Reserve which
previously yielded interest.
The remaining revenue sources have yielded
approximately the same amount as they did in 1351.
The total expenditure iuring 1352 v/as approxi
mately Ks 47,00C/- less than the expenditure in 1351.
The chief saving v/as in the Civil List in which
there :s a difference of hs 24,SCO/- owing to the
death of His Excellency Shaikh Sir Isa bin J.i and
a reduction in the Ciiil list of 11,500/- owing to
tne 2*fo cut and the death of certain persons who
were included in it.
Cf the remaining items seme shew an increase but
is a saving on their total. The extra cost of State
protection is owing to the fact that during the year