Page 439 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 439
IS 4
:-y ].;Fi2 b'scir- • *.ni the .'zctuv i results ore
•: uv ?•.*:? o.r sb.I v \'h- n •* : • • ; t.::? -1 T
? i eve that it *voi.«]d b*° lar.verous ; : :.o
‘hot :-o:v than -.he nmount v;:.ioh I estimated
•von Id be ob'-air. ad I'ro'i the custcr:.? sources
-nd I v.os not a.-are that an ur ran .cement would
bo made botv/arr. one government ?nd the Bahrain,
r'etroleua Cor any by which the rovornnent would
receive about !: 40,000/- more than the annus1