Page 31 - Personal Column (Charles Belgrave)_Neat
P. 31
carved plaster; one had a cross and another a carved head, with wings
behind it. These may have come from the ruins of a Ncstorian church. In
early Islamic times Bahrain came under the rule of the Caliphate and soon
after the Sunni-Shia schism the people of the islands adopted the Shia
The Bahrain islands, fertile and well watered, off the barren coast of
Five Arabia, have always excited the cupidity and ambition of powerful
neighbours. Persians, Portuguese, Wahabis, Omanis and mainland tribes
invaded Bahrain, and time and again the unfortunate Bahama were
The marriage month is drawing very near.
Indian Love Lyrics. Laurence Hope. 1865-1904 cava ged and plundered, to such an extent that many of them migrated to
other parts of the Gulf. They became ‘hewers of wood and drawers of
water* and they developed an inferiority complex which has now made
them aggressive and easy to take offence. The Khalifah, and the tribes who
I N the summer of 1928 we went on home leave for the first time. came with them when they conquered Bahrain in 1783, were Sunnis. By
Subsequently I took about three months’ leave every other year
most of the gardens and property which
during the hot weather, except in the war years, when I went to
India. Our son was then at the Shaikh Bagh School at Srinagar, in ■ right of conquest they took over
the Bahama had owned and in the early days of the occupation the
Kashmir; the school had been started by Eric Tindale-Biscoe, the son of Bahama were in a state of serfdom. Today the Bahama occupy most of
a famous missionary, for English boys in India who were unable to go to the villages and a section of Manama. They have a different appearance
school in England owing to the war. Marjorie used to hire a houseboat and a different accent to the Arabs and the two sects rarely intermarry.
on the lake at Srinagar and when possible I joined her for a month or six Because of the differences between the two sects it was necessary in
weeks. There could not have been a greater contrast than Bahrain, with Bahrain to have a Shia as well as a Suimi Kadhi.
its flat landscape and humid climate, and Kashmir with its magnificent Old Shaikh Jasim, the Sunni Kadhi, had become quite blind and was
mountain scenery and bracing air. too old and feeble to carry on his work. The successor to Shaikh Khalaf,
Returning from home leave I was rather apprehensive about what the Kadhi who had been banished, an up-and-coming young man, died
might have happened during my absence as there were still some people suddenly, leaving the post vacant. In appointing Kadhis it was the Shaikh’s
in opposition to the Shaikh who would have liked to see the last of me. policy to conform as much as possible to the wishes of the people. As I
But all was well and when the ship anchored we were met by a large knew the Shias well, and was regarded by them as being impartial, the
crowd of Shaikhs and leading merchants who came on board to greet us Shaikh left the matter of appointing a Shia Kadhi almost entirely in my
and seemed genuinely pleased to see us again. The topic of the moment hands. Town and village Shias were backing different candidates and each
was the replacement of both Sunni and Shia Kadhis, whose position as party was lobbying and intriguing to get support for its candidate. Night
religious judges was far more important than it is today. after night mysterious muffled figures arrived at my house to press the
The Islamic world is divided into two main sects, Sunnis and Shias; claims of their proteges and to decry, in most libellous terms, their
the former are. orthodox, the latter are schismatic. The split occurred opponents. It seemed to me a strange way to deal with the appointment
in the middle of the seventh century and was caused by a dispute over of an important official, but it was the way things were done in those
the succession to the Caliphate. Before Islam some of the inhabitants of days. My task was to make both parties agree, and after many meetings
Bahrain were Christians. There were Christian settlements on the coast and arguments I succeeded in doing so. W"e appointed three Sunni
of the Persian Gulf and Syrian Christian records of the late seventh Kadhis, about whom there had been no difficulty, and two Shias, one for
century mention bishops of the Nestorian seer, one of whom was bishop the-villages and one for the town. The choice of the town Kadhi was
of Bahrain. I never found any traces of Christianity in the islands, but unfortunate. After a few years he was dismissed for misappropriating the
some years ago an Arab brought from Saudi Arabia some pieces of property of orphans.
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