Page 161 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 161
of which there are five distinct varieties, all based perforations of the largest, called rat _are Id* in
ou the Waqiyah of 4 lbs. 10-22 ozs., viz. diameter: those of the second bain -15*; those of
the third, dhuil *13*, and those of fourth rabCah
(1) The mam of 27 Waqiyahs, or 125 lbs. •11*. After being assorted into ra*% Loin, etc., they
3-94 ozs., is the local Customs measure change hands at a previously arranged rate, at
for weighing goods for assessment of so much the mithqal 'Arabi, which is equivalent
duty: it is also used in the town for to 50 grains. The ordinary pearls then usually
weighing all commodities for which pass from one dealer to another on the more precise
there is not a special measure.
kind of estimate based upon weight. In Kuwait
(2) The maim of 30 Waqiyahs, or 139 lbs- the Bombay mithqal equivalent to 75 grains Troy,
3-94 ozs., is used for wheat, barley. and sub-divided into 24 rati it each of 15 a baht, is
Iraq rice and firewood. usually employed. The unit in the dealer’s system
(3) The maim of 21 Waqiyahs, or 55 lbs. 10*64 is called a chau, and although derived from a weight,
ozs., is used for sail doth only. it is not in itself a weight. The number of chum
(4) The man,, of 21 Waqiyah,, or 111 lbs. 5-23 in a.H,” ,?und1by ?'».u?r!n? the weight of the
ozs., is used for clarified butter, fat, salt Pfrl >" Vs and multiply™* the result by 3M.
andgrpsum mortar. The chau .3 divisible mto IW dukrah*, and the
1 dakrah into lU'l badam*. There arc other kind of
(5) The maim of 30 Waqiyahs, or 160 lbs. chan also occasionally us<*dT and obtained by an
15*92 ozs., is used for wheat and barley identical process from other inilhqals, such as the
when imported from Basrah. 20 manna poona in{lfl(J(ll of 68 grains>
of the last named variety or ap- The normal unit of length is the dhira* or cubit
proximatcly 3,^4 J lbs., make one Tayhur. of but for rope, which is also sold by the weight,
Firewood is normally sold by the Raja' of 4 the or fathom is usually »?mpIoyed. There is
moans of 30 Waqiyahs or 5,556 lbs. 10-4 ozs. no square measure in use: and a plot of ground
Gypsum mortar is soid by the karah of 100 man ns is described as being so many dhira'* according to
of 24 Waqiyahs or 11,135 lbs. The term karah the sura of its sides.
is also used for date palm branches in which sense
it moans 1,000 branches. The Year 1929-30.
Beams and masts are sold by the Calicut Kandy This year was also not -i favourable one for
or 10 cubic feet 29 cubic inches: round rafters or trade as there was still no trade with Xejd. Although
spars by the Korjah or score and boat ribs by the both the Imports and Exports, in very few cases,
yari or cart load of 40 pieces or upward according show slight increases over la?t year’s figures, a
to size. considerable quantity of the imported goods re
The 4 gallon Kcrosine oil tin is used as a measure mained unsold. This was mainly due to the Akhwan
of capacity for the saie of water. rebellion against His Majesty King Bin Saud in
North-East Arabia when at the instance of His
Of the smaller weights is the habUih, equivalent
, „ _ , • , , . ,, ... Majesty's Government a strict blockade was de-
.0 .. grams Trov. used m the sa.c of gy.J and silver cjart.,j against the rebellious tribes by the .Shaikh
G.,ld is norma,iy so:d «#v the mitnjal atotn of IS of Kuvait. aud aI1 tLe SUI>p»j^ t0 tbe Mutair and
or 04 grams and also by the Turkish pound Ajma:i confederations were cut oil. The continued
and fractions thereof. Mlver is so.d bv the mithqcl ,irohibilion of tradc between Kuwait and the in-
of 24 or r2 grams. The u.rior towIli of Xt.jd bv His j^jvsty King Bin Saud
“ a,,d \‘>C ikirazi arealso l.oth used ite of „,e assis;aDCt. civen him durins the
fur drugs and silk tliroad : bur for this pur^sc- they robc||ion bv Kuwait aud perhaps also the increased
are not divided into Mteh* but onlv into halves clIk.b.ncv J, tbe Ptrsian Preventive Service, which
an.l quarters, the niceties o weight being arrived ,ias el;tirt.|v stopped the smuggling of tea,
at using the two n„U.r,b and their fractious in con- su„3r atd ot.hcr commodities was the cause of a
r.,o„ Perfumes as also go'd thread, are sold by /uniK.r s|ump in Kuwait trade. Consequently
the (ofi,/, of ISO grains. many petty shopkeepers have left for Bahrain,
In the pearl trade the following weights and Jubail and Qatif to seek employment, and since the
measures arc most commonly used in Kuwait. “ Abba Movement ” or giving up of the Arab Cloaks
Wholesale purchase of pearls from the Captains of by many of the citizens, a good number of the
pearling boats are made chiefly by size. For this “Abba-makers” have left for Bahrain and other
purpose, after any exceptionally good pearls, which Arab Coast towns. The pearl *' catch ” on the
it is desired to dispose of separately, have been whole was good but the pearl market remained so
removed, remainder arc assorted by being passed low that good pearls could be purchased for half
through a scries of perforated brass or copper howls, the price of the previous year. On the arrival
the standard set of which consists of four: the of the well known Paris Pearl merchant Mon-