Page 164 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 164
Public Health. Exchange—contd.
The health of the town was good on the whole,
but tuberculosis was responsible for a larger number Km n
of deaths. Ail classes suffered, but particularly Kontlu.
the upper And middle classes. Next in importance 100 Kuli Pood*
was smallpox which was responsible for a large There-** Sovereign. Turti-h.
proportion of the Town’s high infant mortality.
The chief other diseases were those of the eye,
cars and skin and malaria. lei £ a. I il.4.
Jane1929 SIX 0 17 11 o is •
Exchange. July 1929 7 14 X 0 16 1 0 IS «
August 11*29 . 8 0 0 0 17 10
Rat* rn 0 IS 10
September 1929 8 0 7 0 is X out
100 M*ri* Pound. October 1929 . 8 0 0 0 18 0 0 is 11
Thirci* Sovereign. Turkish.
Dollar*. November 1>29 7 10 X 0 18 0 o is o
December L>29 . 7 7 1 0 18 1 o is a
£ «. d. £ Li. < «. tf. January 1930 7 7 X 0 18 X 0 18 0
April 1029 8 5 11 0 17 1C 0 16 10 February 1920 . 6 6 S 0 18 0 0 IS 11
May 19X0 . bS 1 0 17 lC- 0 IS 11 March 130 6 4 X 0 18 li 0 IS 10