Page 188 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 188

                                               TABLE L

              Export? of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1927-28,1928-29 and 1929-30.
                                                      Quantity                Valc*
                                                1927-28  1928-29  1929-30  1927-28  1928-29  1929-30

                                                                         £      £       £
            Cows .   .                   Nos.      31      20     50      29      32     101
            Donkeys                       T9       21      15     35      39      49      54
            Hones .                        99       4              1      63              17
            Sheep and Goats .                      195    310    1,405    CO     201     024
           Arab Cloaks                   Value                          2,453   1,037    570
           Bamboos .                      Nos.     800                    72             155
           Bamboos (split)                         280    121             56      20      21
           Barley                         Cwt,     S31   1,473    212    343     363     248
           Building Materials            Value                          14,986  8,109  21,116
           Bombs ...                     Cares      2                     13
           Candles ...
           Carpets .                     rS-ue                           092     713     739
           Cereals                        Cat.     74     263     137     53     190      64
           Cement ...                                             072                    155
           Charcoal .                              446   1,542    64      152    136      9
           Cigarette Paper.              Vdue                                     25      25
           Clay                                                                           22
           Clarified Butter               cZt.     339    220     7C1   1,798   1.137   3,347
           Coal and Coal Tar             Value                            15      11      7
           Cocoanuta                       99                                             3
           Coffee ...                     Cat.     135    377     331   5,925   1,710   1.GS0
           Coir and Coir Rope .          Value                          1,057   1.402   1,022
           Cotton                         Cat.     10      20             29      18
           Dates                           ft    43,732  14,716  14,894  7,600  2,356   3.GO0
           Date Syrup                              15      25             19       5      14
           Drugs                        . Value                           72       7     277
           Dyes and Colv ura               99                            227     310     286
           Fish ...                                                       139     83      21
           Firewood .                                                   3,428
           Fruit (fresh and dried)                                       392              3
           Furniture .                                                    177     61      41
           Glassware •   •                                                       494     341
           Groceiy ...                                                   204     244      60
           Ground Nuts .   .             Cat,       4      22      5       3      11      4
           Gunny Bags (empty)            Value                          1,044    646     291
           Gum ...                                                        12
           Haberdashery .                  99                            637
           Hanna .                       CNrt.     10                      4
           Hides and Skins               Value                                     2      25
           Intestines                                                              7
           Iron and Ironware                                              125    101
           Kerosene Oil                  Galls.  5,184   1,320    384     268     75      17
           limes (Dried) .               Cat.      94                     133            136
           lime                          Value                                            31
           Machinery                       T9                             694             13
           Mats   .   .                    99                             184    134      48
           Matches .                                                      600   1.015    526
           Metals .                       99                             478     131      8
           Minerals .   •   •                                             176
           Motor Cars                     Nos.     10       1      8    1,987     20     637
           Motor Spares .                Value                                            97
           Nails (Iron)                   Cat.     67      27             45      17      81
           Nuts, Dessert .               Value                            32
           OU Fish .                     Galls.  73,256  21,424   000   9,800   1,634    780
           oa Sim Sim                              76      32             11       8
           Oa other sorts .              Vdoe      176                    20              23
           Onions                         Cart.    403    390     179     129     61     29
           Pepper                                • •       70      8              42      30
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