Page 193 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 193
TABLE J—contd.
192/-28, 1928-29 and 1929-30.—conld-
Exports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years
Article and names or countries rr.oM wmcn
EXTORTED. 1928 29 192930
1927-23 1923-29 1929-30 1927-23
£ £ c
Kero*<r»e Oil—T 73 1.1
Ar,-!»Coast . . Gall*. 5,103 1,320 330 204 4 2
Pcrviin Coast 70 48
I-ime*. Pried— 22
Arab Coast . Cwt. 14 10 10
Iraq 9 5 120
Persian Coast 71 S3 101
Lime— I
An»I»C«ast . Value 30
Persian Coast
Machinery— 533
Arab Coast . 101 13
Iraq •I
Mats 134 100 44
Arab Coast 10 3
Iraq 41 9 13 I
Per>«n Coast
Matches— 290 745 4>G
Ara b f'oast 270 07
Per>iin Coast :j«i4 3
Metal*— n7
Arab Coast 449 18
Perslin Coast 20
Mineral— 48
ArabCwsf 58
Iraq •t
lVn-: iri Coast t* 70
Motor Cars— 137
Iraq . X05. 1 20 037
Arab Coast t* 9 I S 1.630
Motor Spares— 97
Iraq Value
Xafls, Iron— 3 13
Arab Coast . . C«-t. 5 I 0 4
Iraq 7 10 39 -7 8 04
Persian Coast 55 1 12
Nuts. TVsrrt— I
Arab Coast . . Value
Persian Coast 30
Iraq ?•
Oil Sim — 4
Arab Coast . Galls. 28 1
Iraq . •• 12 ; 4 2 9
Persian Coast Wi