Page 225 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 225


                                          TABLE G—con/A
          E sports of Principal Articles by Steamers during: the years 1928-29, 1929-30 and 1930-31'-cen.'d.

                                                 Ql’A STITT             Yalc*
                                           1028 J9  1939-30  1930 31  1 72829  1939-30  12*30-31

                                                                   £      £       £
         (Jrwrr ,   ,                Valwe                           7      9
         Gunny Pag*   •                                             72     85     38
         Ifi«le« *nf Skin*                                        1,010  2,717   L295
         A gall •'Arab Head drew)                                          80
         In*CH*fTir«                  • I                          123     77     57
         Iron and Ironware                                           1     15
         Maclii'X’ry                  ••                                   90
         Malc’u** .                                                 27             3
         MrtiN                                                     122      4
         Motor Pin                   Km.       I      1             08     67
         Motor Atv.-ssorie*          Value                          30
         Mo*-or I/tunoh .                                                  20
         XaiN. !r«n                  dk.      43                    44      6      5
         NuU Dr<s'rt                 Value                          9
         on, n .h .                  Cwr.     12                    32             6
         Onion*                      Vul.uc                                 7
         Pearl*                                                  so.m   00/00   47,917
         Pirco (jO’Ia                                              307    <54    1/744
         Provision!                      I                          14     10
         Soil Cl«r.b                                                       10
         Sowing nucliinca            Xu*, i                  8                    40
         ft hark i'uu                Va>'-e                       2,002          311
         ftjK--cic                                               3S.GZ3  60,570  6LM0
         •Spiucs                                                    14      5
         ftuyor Loaf                 Cwt.     470           23     313     66     24
         Su jar Soft                          Uli           766    227    208    354
         S ui rub   ...              Valina                                       U
         Tallow                                                     1
         Tea .                       CV*_     142           495    103     66   s/m
         Tent                        Value                                         ft
         Tobacco .                   Cwt_      8                    1      40      4
         Tobacco M/d.                Value                                 33
         Turmeric .                  Csrt-    43            21     C6             25
         Twist xnd Yarn              Va’ue                                 19      2
         Wheat                       Cwt- f,         !9I                   40
         Wheat Flour                          12     46             8      21
         Wool                               1.116   172     79   4,907   1.028   202
         Article* not apcciScd above                               882     47    366
                            Total                               135.478   99,910  1230477
                                          TABLE a
           Exports of Principal Articles by Steiners during the years 1928-29, 1929-30 and 1930-31.
                                                 Qcaxtoy               Vaiajm
         Abticlxs and jijtzs or cocktbib to which
                                          1928-3  1929-30  1930-31  1928-29  1929-30  1930-91

                                                                 £       £      t
           Arab Coaat              . Ko*. j   1       1             S     20
          Sheep and Goat*—
           Arab Coaat                 • •  1  443   678            349    602
   220   221   222   223   224   225   226   227   228   229   230