Page 230 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 230

                                              TABLE I-~cont<L
                Export* of Principal Article* by Sailing Craft during the year* 1928-29, 1929-30 and 1930-31-con

                                                       Qcantitt               VaU7X
                                                192H29  1920-30   1030-31  1928-29  1929 30  1930-31
                                                                        £       £
             AtaI Goika                   Value                         1.037    *70
             B.AfIjb</OS .                 ••                                    IAS
             n.*n<Wo<, Split .                                       t    20      21
             R»rk                         c;t.    1,473   212    2,99*  i  3*3   24^
             R- nlcing Materials          Valuo                         8.4*; 9  21,110
             Carpets                                                     713
             CVrvkls                       Cwt.    203     137           lao
             O-cortit                                     072     474
             Charcoal .                           1,542    C4    1,402   130
             Clijanrttc Paper             Yaiuo                      1    25
             Car                           »•
             Clarinetl Ritter                      220    7G1    2,332  1,157
             C* -al and Coal Tar          Vdue                       i    11
             Gacouiuls >   •                                         1
             Coffee   .   •               Cwt.     377    331     193   1.710
             Coir and Coir Rope .         Value                         1,4»*2
             Citun   •                     Cwt.     20                    18
             Pit'S                          • *  14,716  14,894  40.595  2.3-50
             Pate Syrup                             25                     5
             T>rur*                       Value                      1     7
             Pv« and Cciocr*                                             310
             Fi\b   .      .  •             • 9                      I I  S5
              Fruit* (Frx-s- and dried)     M                        I
              Furtituro .                   99                       1    Cl
             Glawware                       99                       1   404
             Gro^ry  .   .                                               214
              Ground Not*                  Cwt.     22      5     795  1  11
              Gunny Bags (Empty)          Value                      !   646
              Henna                         r*
              Hidrs and Siinj               •9                             2
              Lnteftin.**                   99                             7
              Iron and Ironware                                      1   101
              Ken&ine Oil                 Gails.  1,320    3S4  12,816    75
              Li rots (dried)              Cwt.            90      88
              Lime                        Value
              MiU                           99                           134
              Matchtm .                     99                          1,015
              Metals                                                     131
              Motor Can                    No*.      1      8      1      20
              Motor Span*                 Value
              Xail» Iron                   Cwt.     27                    17
              Oil Pish .                  Galls.  21,424  6,000  19,448  1,634
              Oil Sim Sim                   w       32            7G8
              Oil ocher sorts               •*                    448
              Onions . _                   Cwt.    390     179     49     81
              Pepper .                              70      8             42
              Pietroi                     Gails.          1.640
              P5t»ce Goods                Value                         2,837
              Provision*.                   9f                           %10
              Pulses                       Cwt                    344
              Rafters                      Nos.  67,176  38,049  1,704  3,028
              Rios •:                      Cwt.   15,631  8,826  6,800  10,090
              Sail Cloth                           116                   276
             Safes                                          2    • •    9 •
              St-wiag Msrlsnn*                       2             2
             Soap •    •                  Value                            2
             Spans* •   •                   99                           217
              S'ngar Losf                  Cwt.  26,117  9,373   4,696  18,7*6
              S Cigar Bolt   •                    6,269  15,840  16,870  6,062
             Tallow .                       99      60     67     180     42
              fa ms rind •   •              99    4,294  6,723   6,766  3/171
   225   226   227   228   229   230   231   232   233   234   235