Page 233 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 233
TABLE coaid.
Exports of Principal Article* by StUin* Craft during the years 102R-29,l$29*tt end l9Z(^3l—ccrzfl
Ahtictj^ axo k.oies of countries to wnjcu
urourrn. 1930-31
1928-29 1929-30 1930 31 1928-2* 1929-30
£ i £
I)*!* Syrup—
A rub Glint . CwU 15 2
1 raq . . 14
IVoiaa Coast 10 3
Arab Const . Value 7 164 33 S
Inui 27
Persian Coast bO *3
Other Countries 6
Dye* and Colour*—
Arab Co-. H 291 2S6 16
IVrsu-a Coast 19
Arab Coist . M 71 12 77
Iraq If 12 8 37
I’l-pia Const 2 1 jm
Other Countries ••
Fruits 'fr»-3i and dried)—
Arab Coast . . • t *
Persian -Coast ff 3 ■
Arab Co-ast . 2 9
Iraq f* 38 32 4*
Persian Coast M 23 7 2*
Glass ware—
Iraq »• 1 76
Arab Coast . *• 233 139 41
India . • • 7
Persian Coast M 2*0 M 7*
Arab Coast . 19 60
Iraq 155
Persian Coast 70
Ground Neat*—
.Arab Coast . Cwt. 31 9
Iraq . re 2 759 1 104
Persian Coait 99 20 6 5 10 4 A
Gunny Bacs—
Arab Coast Value 20
Iraq 452 223 804
Persian Coast 174 68 JM
Arab Court . 99
Hide* aad fitina—
Arab Coast 99
Iraq 99 M
Persian Coast 99 24
h»q 99