Page 237 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 237


                                           TABLE K.
                                          Port of Kuwait.
          Return of Shipping of all Nationalities which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port
                                     during the year 1930-31.
              *             ENTERED.                              CLEARED.

          Nationality of   With catoo.  Is IIAlt AST.  Total.  NaUviulliy of   Wire caaoo.  LS LiLI_a*t.  TOTAL.
           Veurte.                              VcmHi,                           T
                   No.      No.       No                No        No        XSOL
                   of                 of                 of  Tonnage.  Of  ToorvAge.  Tonnage.
                  V z  ToonAge.  V z  Tonnage.  V e»-  Tonnage.  Vr«-  V ea­  Vrt-
                  re        M         »<■ rla.          *r :I».    rl*.     writ.
         UrtWi .   74  US,220  20  117.7M  100  453.000  Drld-Ui.  20  117,764  74  JA5.220  100  453.4*0
         OinDAQ     S  74,443          5   74.443  German           5  74.443  5  74,441
                                           3iIU.N0 Vf«SIU.
         AnLiw     741       01       802       Arabian  357      355       712
         In quo .   1,797    31      1.928     IlAqlM.   158      1,570     1.72S
         riaiAO .  1.120     36      1,158     PenJan.   193       981      1474
         O-Jkt Countries  1            1       Other Coantrl**      1         1
                                           51oto* LArscnes.
         Ant-iAo.  38        2         40       Arabian  50         8        58

                                           TABLE L.
                                        Port of Kuwait.
         Return of British Shipping which Entered and Cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port during th®
                                          year 1930-31.

                             ENTERED.                              CLEARED.
         roentriw from   Wmi exioo.  Lx Ballast.  Total.  Countri** to   With Cajlso.  lx Ballast.  Total
         vtneb entered.                        • LiiR cleared.
                  Net       No.       No.               No        No.       X*
                  of        of        of                of'
                  V z  Tannage.  V  Tonnage.  Vea-  Tonnage.  V z  Tonnage.  V ca­  Tonnage.  Yea-
                  re        re       aela.              re        ir
         1*4- .    55  240.150         55  249,150  India .   26  117,760    28  117.780
         r*H«d King-  It  88,070       19  88.070  United King-    19  88,070  19  86^70
                             20  117,760  26  117.780  Ir»9 •      55  249.150  55  249458
                                          &AIUXO Vnitu.

                                      KGIPC—M-FI^S—7-3-at— U.                               I


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