Page 235 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 235
Exports of Principal Articles Ljr Soiling Craft during the years 1928-29,192^-30 and 1930*31—xovdl-
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1228*29 1929-30 1930-31 133-29 1929-30 1930-31
L £ I' t
Onion*— It
Arab Coaat Ot 22 39 13 5 10 4
Iraq m 119 10 34 14 3
ft mi an Coast 172 21 24 40 i 7
Arab Coart SO 8 28 30
Persian Coaat 20 14
Iraq CaJla. 1,040 109
Piece Goode— I
Arab Coart Value 1,771 1,479 i 30
Iraq 9* 236 11 :
Persian Coaat 830 111 •
Iraq 10
Pohes— I
Arab Coast CVt 241 57
Iraq 27 9
Persian Coart •• 76 2*
Rafters— I
Arab Coast Jwoa. 249 4 19 4
Iraq 9• 11,746 7,448 747 503 361 5C4
Persian Coaat »• 65,173 31,201 953 2,504 1,822 K1
Arab Coast . C»t. 2,130 2,855 1.335 1,108
Iraq . 3.683 152 2,596 696
Persian Coart #» 9.818 1,453 €.759 3,855 844
Other Countries 99 64.
Arab Coast If 08. 3 12
Sail Cloth—
Arab Coast Crt, 102 251
Iraq 2 11
Persian Coast 99 12 14 5
Sewing Machine*—
Persian Coaat . Sea. 2 3 • 9 54
Iraq ZB 1 3
Arab Coast Tains 2 4
Persian Cosat 3 3
Arab Oosat 99 174 1K3
Persian Coast 69 43 »
Sugar Loaf—
Arab Coast Cat. 16^38 8,184 648 10,865 7.12* 4tf
Iraq 99 6,603 66 842 5,741 <77 99
Persian Coaat 3276 1,099 3,306 2,160 84« 2-3=»
Other Countries 99 36 2*
8 eg ar Soft—
Arab Coast 4,053 11,970 8,036 3.539 6,2 IB XS91
Iraq 228 2.360 2,692 187 ixa Lxa
Persian Coaat 1,5*78 1,610 5,142 K236 7 Hi 2^*7