Page 255 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 255
TABLE YL—coril.
Imports of Principal Articles hy Sailing Craft during the years 1929-30,1930-31 and 1931-32-con/^
Qcotttt. Value.
1923-30 IKJO-31 1931-32 1929-30 1930-31 1931-32
£ £ Fa.
Oofleo . - . Cwt. 42 76 73 l.r.u 1,350 30,113
Coir an-d Coir Rope . S.093 7,877 10,875
Condi roenU Vai 132 38 1O0
Confectionary . ft 130 3,8X2
Cotton Cat. 256 92 214 22,959 IC,67<i 2,02,504
Dates Vai 9* 2Si0 It 1.020 KM ,483 328 208 6,237
Date Syrup lie
Dye Powder • • 266 1,012 4.470
Kart hen ware . # 72 51 1,161
Firewood . * • Cwt. 181,218 28,450 7,783 1,287 14.980
Fins ... Value 13 1,368
Fish 79 165 342
Fish Maws 14
Fruits (fresh and dried) 3.377 2,454 35,290
Furniture . 195 17 849
Gramophonca 2&. 1 20
Gray*, Jlav and Straw Value 2,922 2,574 32,58.5
Groundnut* Cwt. 833 414 314 178 311 607
Gumy bag* (empty) . Value 355 2,143
Halerda*hcry - rt 421
Hard and Glassware . 533 323 3.612
Her-na 213 64 1.946
Hides and Skim* • 109 2,869
Iron and Ironware 19 905
Kcro»iriC Oil - • Call 8. 5C-//68 42,864 70,192 2,563 1,457 31.531
Limes (dried) . . Cwt. 04 151 52 50 196 1,270
Lime ... 170 1,060 13 1,000
Machinery VaT ue 13 1,800
Mata ... Nos. 61,795 45.107 1.071 718 11.484
>Iatehcs . Value 452 451
Metals 310 1,824
Motor cycle - • N’o*. 1 4
Motor Accessories Value 8
Nuts, Dessert . 72 437 9,006
Oil, Fish . Ca*es 1,403 4,205 4.024 1.203 2,680 30.820
Oil, Aim Sim Galls. 4.680 1,184 342 332 2,515
Oil, other sort* . 1,308 223 12.920
Onions Cwt. •943 4,154 559 500 7.912
Pepper 15 70 500
Petrol Calls. 12.000 17,356 1,033 4 11,966
Piece grxxis Value 2,145 1,561 21,828
Provisions . • 10
Pulses ... Cwt. 452 2,856 858 564 1.231 3,352
Rafters ... Nos. 29,946 24,425 19.672 6.G01 6.045 54^40
Reeds . . Rdks. 72 82 14
Rios . . * Cwt. 13J92 27,527 16J67 6.730 12.274 1,00,509
Rosewater . • Carboys 1.192 413 383
Sail Out* Value 461 4^16
Salt Cwt. 4.S83 4,519 114 127 1,871
Safes . . • N«. 2 6
Sim Bim . Value 85 99 1.259
Scwisg machines Nos. 23 96
Soap Value 4 113 1.817
Spioes . . 30 129
Sugar, Loaf . . Cwt. 2JB84 1,634
Sugar, Soft Uf) 292 2.279
Tallow . 319 4fi8 439 814 8,674
Tamarind , , 6,481 4,113 1,546 2,766 18,101
Tea .... 224 7 671 19