Page 254 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
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                                                 TABLE D—concld.
                    Import* of Principal Article* by Steamers during the year* 1929-30,1930-31 and 1931-32—conc/<J.
                                                          Qvantitt.              Valve.
                   Articles axd kames or cocmiD fhox which
                                                    1929-30  1 MO-31  1931-32  1929-30  1930-31  1931-32

                                                                            £       £
                    IndiA .                   Ot.       3                   339 2
                    ’Iraq .                           1,220
                    Persian Coast              »*       3                     2
                  Wheat Flour—                          r.            9
                    Arab Coast .                               11             3      3      42
                    India ....                        C.0C2  2,140   920   3,401    734   4.319
                    Persian Coast .            f*       G                     3
                  Article* not specified above-
                    India ....              . Value                           1     110   1.110
                    ’Iraq ....                                                             312
                    Persian Coast                                            21
                    Other Count rim                                          19      2
                                      Total                               220,430  143,113  IS.31,901

                                                    TABLE E.
                      Import* of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1929-30,1930-31 and 1931-32.

                                                          Qta>tity.              Valve.
                                                    1923-30  1 <00-31  1931-32  1929-30  1930-31  1931-32

                                                                             £      £      Ra.
                  Ancbcwi .                    Nos.     3      3              3      7
                  Animals and birds—
                    Cows                        9f     292    172     94     021    325   2.451
                    Deer .                      H               1      3             1      id
                    Donkeys                     *4      23     GG     24     40     222    700
                    Hawks .                             5      42     13      G      4G    122
                    Horae* .                            6       5            113     t»7
                    Sheep and Goats                    777    G23     15G    389    356   1,115
                  Arab Cloaks                 udT«».     5    19G     Gl    4.034  3.490  10,v*8
                   Bamboos .                  Value                          47      82   4,844
                   Bamboos, split .                                          112     05
                  Barley                       C^t.  57.819  CO,710  15.116  14,070  10.27G  37,181
                   Building materials         Value                         1.324   17H
                   Canoes                      Nos.      7     28     59      9      28    797
                   Cardamoi                    Cwt.             8                    48
                   Carpet* .                  Value                         2^)17  1.792  17.887
                   Cement                      Cwt.          10,330  4,080         1,482  8,160
                   Cereal*                      99     352                   C50
                   Charcoal .                         7.708  9,290  6,325   1,185   890  12,621
                   Cigarette P*P» •            Vdi                           231          6.024
                   Cigarettes                                                       306     25
                   Clarified butter .          <£t.   2,086  1,309   492    5,933  6,009  22,8*0
                   Coal and Coal Tar           Value                         20      21    4G6
                   Cocoanuta                   Nos.    000   8,522            3      24    284
   249   250   251   252   253   254   255   256   257   258   259