Page 249 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 249

                                          table c.
             Import* of Principal Article by steamer* durin* tba year* 1929-30. 1930-31 and 1931-31

                                                QcAjamr.               Valo*
                DsscBirmo* o? Articles.                                       1931-31
                                          1029-30  1930-31  1931-32  1929-30  1030-31

                                                                   £      £      JU.
         Awhon    •   •              •SOL    129    101     61     W      187   1,800
         Budding Materials           Value                                      4,750
        Cartridge*                  Boxes    174    239     95    1,624   n*n  10,000
        Carpet* ...
        Charcoal - • •                       932   1,504           302    155
        Carla mon»                                  254            124   1,270
        Cipuctle r»pcr                                      67
        Coni mid Coni tar                                           3    6,953  51,350
        Co fire                              800   2,378   282   7,419    8(7   6.870
        Coir and Coir Bopo -                                      1,75.5        1,650
        Cotton                               252    106     132    504   1.056  10,300
        l>rcc»                                                             10
        Fui, dried                                                               635
        Prut*, dried amd fresh                                     27
        Grwory .                                                   990
        Greund Nut* .   .                    858    843    630     221    130   2,520
        Gua> porting .                               17                   227
        Guany baps                   Value                         243
         Haana                                                             1  1,66.600
         Hard and Glassware .         re                         16,003  15,020
         Iroa and Ironware                                        1,570  3.0C2  5,110
         Lines—diied                 Cwt.            65                   127
         Machinery                   Value                                      3,000
         Matches ...                                                      127
        Metals                                                     33           1^30
        Motor cars and eyclea        Nos.     25      2      2    2,500   240   17,450
        Oil. Kferosine .            Galls.  42,048  32,404        1,743  1,334
         Oil, other sorts .                         950            3*3    270  25,600
        Old clothing                 V»1an                        1,073   765   7,200
        Onion*                       Cwt.   1,996  1,728   ,258    515    445    260
         Paints and Colo’ors •       Value         31*800
        Petrol and Benzine .        GaUa.  33,980          488   2,832   2,820  2.485
        Pieoigoods                   Value                       36,880  33,400  4,80,600
        Pistols and Ammunition        W                                   347   4.22*
         Potatoes .                  Cwt.   1,997  1.728   258     613    445   2,990
        Pubes ...                     *9            587    449            246  4,06,908
         Rios                             1,16.791  66,420  €7,818  66,437  32.034  48S
        Sim 8ia ...                                 229     91     133
        Soap   ...                   vJ Q0                         440        1,09,650
        Specie                        r.                         19,598
         Spices   ...                 «•                          331           2,000
         Starch .                                                  40
        Sugar Loaf                   drt.   11.550  3.833  672   8,624          6,667
        Sugar Soft                    1*   42.330  41,728  37,724  21,165     2.20.344
         Tallow .                     n      299    840    3G9    725           7.224
         Tamcrind                     n     1,402  1.103   858   1,001          4.490
         Tea ....                           6,184  2,369  5,161  23,224       2,06,044)
         Timber .                    Value                         128           420
         Tobacco .                   Cwt.          1,121          681          39,500
         Tobacco, manufactured       Value
         Trk and Yarn                                              77
         Tjrrsi                               16      1            28           v.oot
         Vegetable products .        Value                        746
         VermiaceUy .                 m                            67           • 9
         Wheat .                     Cwt.   1.232                 643
         Wheel Plow .                       6,074  2,167   938   3/467
         Articles not specified abows  Value                       41           1.46*
                             Total          # •    • •          226,466  146,1U  1M 1.344
   244   245   246   247   248   249   250   251   252   253   254