Page 264 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 264

                                            TABLE F—cond<L
             Import* of Principal Article* by Sailing Craft during the year 1929-30, 1930-31 and 1931-32—concW.

                                                    Qcastitt.      i       Valc*.
            Article* i.'B 5AMES OF COCKTMES TTIO* WHICH
                                               1929-30  1930-31  1 *31 *32   192930  J 930-31  1931-32

                                                                       £      £       }\u
            Articles not specified abort
             Arab Coast .                Value                          21     78    1.358
             India .                                                    M     129     346
             'Iraq                                                     207     89    5,858
              Pf-sisn Coast      #                                      71    292    4,010
             Other Countries               >»                            8     2G     145
                                 Total                               145,369  134.127  11,97,037

                                              TABLE G.
                Export* of Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1929-30, 1930-31 and 1931-32.

                                                     Qcaktity.              Value.
                                               1929-30  1930-31  3931-32  1929-30  1930-31  1931-32.

                                                                       £      £     Ra.

              Horse* .                   Nos.      I                    20
              fTcj<yp and Goats                   678                  602
             Arab Cloaks                 Value                        1,729  1,766   2,650
             Bamboos Split .              r*                             6      1
             Bui! ding Materials                                         2
             Carpets                                                   372    969   16.500
             Cereals                     Cwt.      73             6     36            20
             Oarified Butter                      160     3       1    662     12     47
             Cigarette Paper             Value                           9     60    1,400
             Coffee                      Ot.             403      9          1,513    322
             Confectionary .             Value                                 10
             Coir Rope                                                         100    120
             Dates ...                   Cat.      22    290     33     32     33     68
            .Dree*                       Value                          54      7    2,037
             Dye* and Colour*                                           66
             Fuh ...                       99                            6
             Fish Maw*                     99                          308    176    1,301
             Fruit (Fresh and dried)                                     1            169
             Furniture.   .                                            181           6,682
             Gertie                                                             1
             Glassware                     •f                           70     64    1,060
             Grocery .                                                   9
             Cur_ny Bag* (Empty)                                        85     38     360
             Hides and Skins               99                         2,717  1,295  28,466
             'Igala (Arab Head-dress)      99                           80
             Intestines                                                 77     37    675
             Don and Ironware              ••                           16
             Limea (dried)  .   .        Cwt.                     6                   110
             Machinery   .   .           Value                          90
             Hatches .                     ••                                   3     900
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