Page 265 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 265

                                       TABLE G—conltL
        Exports of Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1929-3^ 1930-31 and 1931-32 conti.

                                                Qcaxtitt.             Val ce.
                                          1929 30  1930-31  1931-32  192930  1930-31  1031-32

                                                                 £      l       Ra.
        Metals ...                  Value                          4             00
        Motor Cars   .               Noe.     1                    67
         ails Iroa   .              Cwt.                           6      5
        Oil Fish .                                   6                    5
        Onions                                20                   7             7
        Pearls                      Value                       30.000  47,017  3.62.000
        Piece Goods .                                             434   1,644  13390
        Provisions.                  *•                            10
        Sail Cloth                   •t                           10
        Shark Fins                                                       311
        Sewing Machines              Nos.            8      21            40   1,5441
        Soap                        Value                                       250
        Specie                                                  00,570  61,560  6,40,060
        Spices                                                     5
        Sugar Lost                  Cwt.     73      23           66      24
        Sugar Soft                           398    766           208    354
        Starch                      Value                                 13
        Tea .                       Cwx.      17    495     62    66    2.095  2^90
        Tenta                       Value                                 5
        Tobacco .                   Cwt.             4      1     40      4      50
        Tobacco Manufactured        Value                         33
        Turmeric .                  Cwt.            21      1             25     25
        Twist and Yarn              Value                          19     2
        Wheat .                     Cwt.     191                  40
        Wheat Flour                           46                  21
        Wool                                 172    79     400   1.028   202   6,084
        Articles not specified above  Value                       47     364   2,006
                            Total                               99 >40  120.677  10,88.440
                                          TABLE H.
            Exports of Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1923-30, 1930-31 and 1331-32.

                                                Qxjaktjtt.            V ALUS.
          Articles axd mmea or cocxtries to which
                                          1929-30  1930-31  1931-32  1929-30  19X1-31  1931-32
                                                                 t      t      Bs.
           Arab Coast              . Kos.     1                   20
          Sheep and Goats—
           Arab Coast  *             m       878                  •02
        Arab Cloaks—
          Arab Coast . •           , Value                       1,143  1,007   •80
          Persia* Coast              99                                  13
          'Iraq                      99                           33     113   1AO0
          India                      99           • •             863    633    200
   260   261   262   263   264   265   266   267   268   269   270