Page 276 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 276

                                               TABLE J—conid.
                 Exports of Principal Artide* by Sailing Craft during the years 1929-30, 1930-31 and 1931-32—cor/<f

                                                        •Qc-intitt.            Value.
                  Articles and saves or cooTarEs to which
                                                  1929-30  1 £'30-31  lWl-32 » 1929-30  1930-31  1931-32

                                                                          £      £      IU.
                 F< rv ia n CVuxt           Cwt.    6/tw   1.453    23    3,855   041
                 • iibcr Countries                   122                   04            HO
                 Arab Coj.«t .              Nos.      3                    12
                Sail (loth—
                 Persian Coast              Valuo                           5
                Scwinn Machines—
                 Arab Coa-t .                Nos.             2                    54
                 Persian Coast               *1                      4                    52
                 Arab Coa.*t .              Value                           2      4     ICG
                 Parian Coast                                               3             50
                  Arab Coast .                n                            113     42
                  Persian Ccost                                                    39     88
                Snear Loaf—
                  Arab Coast .               0*1.   8,184   MS      GC    7.129   402    €39
                  'Iraq                               55    842            47     5K9
                  Persian Ccast                     1.099  3.303    123    649   2,329  1.100
                  Other Countries                     35                   20
                Sucar Soft—
                  Arab Coast .                     11.570  8.030   1.570  fi.210  3,281  4CA56
                  'Iraq                             2A'-0  2,1.92  1.1)0  1.373  1,333  b.*»12
                  Persian Coast                     1,510  5,142                 2,507  2,718
                                              99                    333    710
                  Arab Coast .                        57    ISO     94     10G    354   1.569
                  Arab Coast .                       331    124     037    241          4J35
                  'Iraq                       W     2,779  2.154  3.1K3   2.301         15,450
                  Persian Coast                     3,013  3,47b    505   2,573         2,148
                  Arab Coast .                       823    300    250    5^47   1,108  12 AM
                  'Iraq -                            109            85     «87          3*14
                  Persian Coast                      333    GG7     40    1,885  2.G70  1M0
                  Arab Coast .              Value                          500
                  Arab Coast                  99                            1
                  'Iraq                                                    78G   1.178  12*86
                  Persian Coast                                                   504   i pi
                                              99                           005
                  Arab Coast .               Cat.     23      8     29     67      13   IpO
                  Iraq .                              16                    4      1
                  Persian Coast                              48
                                              99       2                    1     118   9 9
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