Page 278 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 278


                                                 TABLE K.
                                               Port of Kuwait.

               Return of Shipping of all Nationalities which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Pore
                                            during the year 1931-32.                        **
                                    ENTERED.                              t LEAKED.
                         With cmu*«>.  Is )lALlt>T.  Total.     With  IN lULLAfcT.
               Xiiil.M!'u of     ?                    XAllnailh) nt                   Total.
                 Vo*, ;■>.                              Vvwb.
                        No.      j No.       No.               No         No        No
                         I                   ..f  Tonnracv.     of  Tonnage.  cf     of
                        V*  Ti'UW. ' v'c,.  T«.LTL-.r-.  Via*   \t+-     V....  Tonnage.  V  Tonnage.
                                 i *l«.     m I*.              PCl».      •-        M u!
              * llrltl-6 .   OS*  293.940 •   •JO  117,7-0  SO  411,7-0 RcItUh.   2C  117,7.-0  00  203,010   00  411,720
               0«rnun     3  19.0*1  i -      3   li'.'.ol German          3   19.061   3  19.0*1
               Nor»*.'l.o  r  Not kn«-»is     2  Nut ktu/uti. Nvrwtelm .   2  Not luU0«T>  2  Not l>bo«o
                                 «                    I
                                                  Mm.'c \imu.
                                 ;                    Ant-ian
               AiaUto    *•7*      73        th                 2I*J      393       039
               •Irji’.tn.   1.1*4  09       1.31*      '!ntql:iu  114    1,305      1,059
               lYr-iui -  ell      125       S*7r     j IVriaD  1 JO-     735       *13
                                                      Other Cciiii-                   c
               Otll'T  Coun-  4               8-                           0
                tri»*.                                    trie*-
                                                  M*Tor LiCSCMO.
                                           I "I                         i         I 1
               AraWao.   28         1                 Arabino   28         8
                                                 TABLE L.

                                               Port of Kuwait.
               Return of British Shipping which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port during th«
                                                year 1931-32.
                                   ENTERED.                               CLEABED.
                         Vim CAEoo.  Ik BllLl?T.  Total.        Warn caeco.  In BaI.i akt.  TOTAL.
               Coc-rtris* from                         Connlri— 1o
               alxli esitcrHl.                        «hldj o jin-d.
                         No.       No        -W                           No        No.
                                   of        t.l                          of        of  Tc
                            Tcarnage.  V»*-     Tonnage.       v«-  Tonnage.  Tonnage.
                        V«*-          Tonnage.  vf*-                     *2*        Ye*-
                                   rl».     fr                 oefe.     **i«.      •<1a.
               India .   32  821.5ftft       U   221-120  India .   nc  U 7,780      26  117,780
               Cnivet King-  17  72,420       17  72.420  Culled Kang-    17   72,420  17  72,480
                                   2«        2*       'Iraq .             62         62  82C520
                lrwi .                 117.780   117.780                      221 ,520
                                                Baeu>o Vikoj.

                                       ircirc-jf—vi  Up- 1933-Mw
   273   274   275   276   277   278   279   280   281   282   283