Page 285 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
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        the perforations of the largest called ras arc *18'   Abdu] Aziz aJ Baud, RuJcr of Ncjd and Hcjaz, con­
        in diameter, those of the second batn *15', those of   tinued to observe his strict bkekade against trade
        the third dliail *13' and those of the fourth rnbi'ah   from Kuwait with the hinterland. Of the total
        •11'. After being assorted into raa, batn, etc.,   import trade 57*7 per cent* was with India, 22*2
        they change hands at a previously arranged rate at   per cent, with ’Iraq, T*1 per cent, with Persian
        fo much the mitbqal ’Arabi which is equivalent to   Coast, 2*8 per cent, with A rata an Coast and 10*2
        50 grains. The ordinary pearls then usually pass   per cent, with other countries.
        frorj one dealer to another on the more precise
        k\J of estimate based upon weight. In Kuwait           Exports.
        the Bombay mithqal equivalent to 75 grains Troy
                                                 The total exports by sea amounted to R«. 11,11,881
        and rub-divided into 24 rattea each of 15 annhs is   and showed a decrease -of 30-3 per cent, compared
        usually employed. The unit in the dealers’ system   with the figures for i'331-32. This is accoantcd
        is called a chau and although derived from a weight   for by the known decreased export in hides, ghi,
        it is not in itself a weight. The number of ehaua
        in a pearl is found by squaring the weight of the   sheep* skins, wool, specie and horses, due to the fact
                                               that Ncjd tribes were forbidden to have intercourse
        pearl in mithqals and multiplying the result by 330.   with Kuwait. Pearls cd the aggregate amount of
        The chau is divisible into 100 dukras and the dukra   Rs. 4,50,000 are shown En the tables a* having been
        into 100 bndarns. There arc other kinds of chaus
        also occasionally used, and obtained by an identical   exported for 6ale to Indian markets, but accurate
                                               figure of these ae well as of specie can, as mention­
        process from other mithqals such as the Poona   ed eUewhcre, never be obtained, as both are nearly
         inithqal of 03 grains. The normal unit of length is
        the dhira or cubit of 19 inches but for rope which   always carried away amongst personal luggage.
         is also sold by the weight, the ba or fathom is   Of the total export trade 55-3 per cent, was with
        usually employed. There is no square measure in   India, 18-7 percent. wiih Arab Coast, 22-1 percent,
                                               with ’Iraq and 3-9 per cent, with the Persian Coast.
         use, and a plot of ground is described as being so
         many dhiras according to the sum of its sides.
                                                              Peajrl Fishing.
                    The Year 1932-33.            TLis is the most important trade of Kuwait.
          The year nndcr review was again not a favourable   The town possesses over 700 pearl boats but many
        one for trade, although it showed an improvement   of these have not been, to sea for some time cine to
        on the immediately preceding 12 months. This   the depressed state of tie pcarO trade. The average
         must be put down to world depression, and the fact   number of boats which of recent years visited the
         that there was practically no trade with Nejd. The   banks is not more than 350 and this figure has de­
         Pearl “ Catch ” on the whole was again not good   creased as the market was no better than last year.
         aud the pearl market remained so low that good   The Kuwait pearling fleet consists of two parts,
         pearls could 1** purchased for 50 j-er cent, less than   the very small boats which £sh close in shore off
         previous years. It was however expected that with   the Neutral Zone, Sudah and Iluzaim areas to the
         the advent of some cf the well-known European   South of Kuwait, and the larger boats with 8 to
         pearl merchants that the local market would improve   10 sweeps ” on either side-, which go further
         aud prices of pearls would rise, but unfortunately   afield and join up with the Bahrain and Qatar fleets.
         no tangible increase took place and the financial   The latter which may be called the Kuwait main
         condition of the pearl merchants remained so acute   pearling fleet works under the eye of an Amir al
         that although they had safes full of pearls most of   Batar, or Admiral and no boait is allowed to return
         the merchants were not only unable to pay their   home without his sanction. The “ Rukbah ” is
         large debts but were not in a position to pay even   the name given to the commencement of the Pearl
         the small wages due to the pearling crew. Accord­  Season and the “ Gufiml ” to the end when all boats
         ing to the Customs export figures some Rs. 4,50,000   return home. The season falls somewhere between
         worth of pearls were estimated to have been export­  15th May &Bd 15th September.
         ed for sale in India and elsewhere. But this figure
         an explained under “ Exports ” cannot be relied on   Customs Administration and Lighterage.
         in any way.
                                                 The administration of the Kuwait Customs is
                                                supervised by a local Arab and the system works
                                                satisfactorily. An import duty on goods arriving
          The total imports by sea amounted to   by sea, of 4J per cent* ad valorem is charged and a
         R*. 31,14,689, which showed an increase of 2-1   land export duty of 2 per cent, on goods taken out
         per cent, as compared with the figures for 1931-32.   by Bedouin. There cs no sea export duty except
         This small, though very gratifying increase may be   on goods brought in from the interior such as clari­
         put down to recovery in world trade, and in spite   fied butter, hides, wool, ©to., on1 which 4 per cent,
         of the foot that during the year Hiw Majesty King  is charged if exported.
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