Page 287 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 287
town. The village has over 2,500 date trees, under Municipality,
which wheat, barley and lucerne, melons, water- „ ... • i
melons, pumpkins, beans and some other vegetables Kuwait To^n posscasc g p*
u* grown in quantities. The above Secretary and Comm,,t« who, t&roughoot the year
cropa are mostly irrigated but » small amount of undcr/.°.v,e** '?°k rams with the cleanb-
wheat and barley is grown by rainfall alone. The uc“ of thc nnd Publlc KLJllUtIOn *CnCr*U^-
agriculture of Jahrah might be considerably in- Among thc improvements effected were the re-
c*Pyd if more money were sunk in it. The second roofing of several of the smaller bazaars, and the
ncA important agricultural centre is thc island of widening of certain narrow streets to allow of motor
Falaikah where wheat and barley are grown with car traffic to pass.
tonic success on the clayey patches ; thc island also The chief improvement however has been the
produces vegetables, especially carrots which arc of giving of a contract to a Baghdad firm for thc clec-
an exceptionally fine quality, but thc agriculture is trification of thc Town. Though the work of crect-
generally inferior to that of Jahrah. ing poles and wires has teen very jJow thc year 1934
promises to see electricity definitely introduced.
Thc total rainfall during thc year under report Exchange.
was 5*39 inches and was distributed as follows:—
Hun m
May 1932 . •40 Month*. 1(0 Marta Ponnd
December 1KJ2 •51 Tb-rcaa SoTotlgn. Turk tab.
January 1933 2C8 Dollar*.
February 1933 MO
B*_ a. r. Ba. a. ?. Ba. a. V.
March 1933 . •70 Afrfl 1332 77 0 0 17 1 0 16 6 9
Public Health. Max 1>32 . 73 8 0 17 8 0 16 8 9
June 1332 74 14 0 17 7 0 18 9 9
From July to December there was very severe July 1332
Epidemic of Small-pox with a high death rate. 78 0 0 17 14 o 16 2 0
Vaccination was carried out on a large scale, more August 1932 . 77 14 0 13 0 0 16 2 9
or less forcibly. But c-wing to thc people having September 1922 83 0 0 IS 0 0 16 2 9
an objection to being vaccinated during an epidemic, October 1932 . 83 4 0 13 8 0 19 9 9
thc disease lasted a longer time than it should have. I^ot rater 1932 83 6 0 31 3 O 17 2 9
Besides the above, general health of thc Town was December 1922 . 83 11 0 19 9 O 17 9 9
good. January 1932 . 83 10 9 19 / O 17 2 9
Tuberculosis and diseases of children took their FetrarylBSS . 62 12 0 13 14 O 19 12 9
usual toll, while other diseases were those con March 1633 84 0 0 18 10 0
nected with eyes, cars and stomach. 10 9 9