Page 314 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 314
TABUE J—could.
Exports of Principal Article* by Sailing Craft during the years 1930-31,1931-32 and 1932-33—contd.
Quantity. Valte.
Articles and names or countries to which
193031. 1931-32. 1932-33. 1930-31. 1931-32. 19
< iu. IU.
Arab Coast . Value 180
’Iraq . 9» 10 170
Arab Coast . Cwt. 241 210 110 57 TOO 249
’Iraq 27 32 9 126
Persian Coast 76 28 10
Arab Coast . No. 4 240 110 4 120 100
’Iraq . ft 747 10,500 12,380 564 2,730 4.494
Persian Coast • • 953 28,570 8,200 8C1 11,473 3,550
Arab Coast . Cwt. 2,855 2,205 1,069 1,802 11,102 9.517
’Iraq 152 15 26 SO 90 136
Persian Coast »> 1,453 23 43 6*4 140 290
Sewins Machines—
Arab Coast . Nos. 2 54
Persian Coast 4 52
Arab Coast . Value 10
'Iraq 250
Arab Coast ft 4 ICO 430
Persian Coast CO
Arab Coast . 9f 42
Persian Coast 99 39 88
Sc^ar Loaf—
Arab Coast . Cwt. 548 66 181 402 639 902
’Iraq 91 842 6S9
Persian Coast 99 3308 125 1356 2329 1,100 11,040
So£ar Soft—
Arab Coast . ft 4370 6,990 3381 46,556 39.764
*Iraq ft 1,110 4376 1333 8,612 30310
Persian Coast 333 204 2307 2,718 1,856
Arab Coast • 99 180 94 354 1368
Arab Coast • 99 124 637 74 4,135 16
•Iraq . 99 2,154 3,183 1349 15,690 39366
Persian Coast 3,478 505 2315 2,148 7347
T« 12388 7339
Arab Ceart 99 300 250 347 U68
Iraq . 99 85 G43 3314 11395
Persian Coast ft 667 40 no 3370 1340 1395