Page 316 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 316

                                                 TABLE K.
                                                Port of Kuwait.

               Return of Shipping of all Nationalities which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port
                                            during the year 1932-33.
                                    ENTERED.                              CLEARED.
                         With >'argq.  lO BaLLUT.  Total.       With Cal».o.  In Balla.«t.  Total.
                NafM»!?ty ot                          N.ic ional
                 \nn 1».
                        No.       No        No                 No        No..      No
                         of        ;.i  Tonnage.  of  Tnuca:.'.  of'  Tonnage.  • <  Tonr.ic*.  of
                        Vn-  Tonnage.  V    vr                 V.A-      Vp—       V z  Tccuje.
                        aria.     K ;1«.    •via.              ael*.     Mb*.      K
               lMlbh .   70  2W.W2  2<  117,7-0  102  416.6KJ  Bnni*b  20  117.7*0  7 6  S’.»s .toe   102  4IVfet
               O-nnaa     4  20,163                   caiman               4  26,I«  4
                                              ?axun«. Vl^oa.
               Arabian   C3'J      f.i       707      AruMan   350       cos        055
               'Iranian   1,300    131      1,531     ' Iranian   240    1.13S     1,364
               l*»r*Ua .  C68      311       009      l’.-T>ian  62      OX.        CS8
               Ji-Uao .   1                   1       Imcian               1         1
               fob-r Coun-   1     ■*                 Orli.-r (Vuio-       2         2
                irirx.                        1 I      trie*.
                                              ASoTOR Lacnuie.^.
               Aral<Un   19         1        20       Arabian   1«         4        22

                                                  TABLE L.
                                                Port of Kuwait.
               Return of British Shipping which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port during the year
                                    JLLNTLKLD.                            Cleared.
                «••m.rri-a from   Wett Cargo.  In Ballast.  Twtau  C'-.untries t<o   With Cum).  Is Ballad.  Total.
                »bki cxilatd.                         «! eltar»A-
                                   Nul       N«i               No.       N«        No
                         V z  Tonnage.  •+-  Vcv  Tonnage.     Vm-  Tonnjgv.  V—  Tonnage.  V z  TuBLafc.
                         M                   at Is.            aria.               ar
                India .   u  177,034          53  177,034 Inidla .  20  117,780     20  117,7**
               • nlt-4 King­  15  89,668      IS  k'j.bCi Coiled KJw*-    IS        15  h'fj/A
                dom.                                   d'.m.
                •Inn .   .          tc  1I7.7HI  *6  117.7.0  Tiaq .      S3  177,(04  63  l—MU
                                               ?AJUN« Voau.

                                            MCI XT’—31—VI-3*—19 A -M—20.
   311   312   313   314   315   316   317   318   319   320   321