Page 435 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 435

Report on     the Trade of Kuwait for the year 1937-38

                               (1st April 1931 to 31st March 1938)

                                 Captain G. S. dcGaury, M.C.,
                                      Political Agent, KtnCaiL

                                               pearl trade which has been the chief industry of
                       PART I.                 Kuwait and the fact that there was practically
                                               no trade with Ncjd. The pearl 44 catch ” on the
         1.  General.                          whole was good. as also the prices. According
         2.  Currency.                         to the Customs export figures some Rs. 2.58,000
         3.  Weights ami Measures.  Sec Trade Report   worth of pearls were estimated to have been ex­
         4.  Pearl Fishing.   - for the year 1932-  ported for sale in India and elsewhere. Bat this
         5.  Customs Administra­  53.          figure as explained under “ exports ” cannot be
            tion and Lighterage.               relied on in any way.
         6.  Sea Fisheries.                     12.  Imports.—The total imports by sea amounted
         7.  Freight, Shipping and Navigation.—  to Rs. 54.77,-183 which showed an increase of 46-62
                                              per cen:. ns compared with the figures for 1936-37.
           (а)  for general remarks sec Trade Report for
               the year 1932-33.              This increase is accounted for by the known increase
           (б)  The rate of freight by the British India  in the imports of tea, specie, coffee and cement.
               Steam Navigation Company’s steamers   Of the total import trade 46-86 per cent, waa with
               was Rs. 13-12-0 from Bombay or Karachi   India. 8-92 per cent, with Iraq, 13-65 per cent, with
               to Kuwait, and vice versa.     Persian Const, 2-12 per cent, with the United King­
         8.  Communications.—                 dom, 7-92 per cent, with Japan, 9-11 per cent, with
           {a) For general remarks see Trade Report for   Arab Ccast and 11-12 per cent, with other countries.
               the year 1932-33.                13.  Er ports.—The total exports by sea amounted
           (6) With effect from 23rd February 1928 Im­  to Rs. 23,20,075 and showed an increase of 31-80
               perial Airways discontinu-ed calling at   per cent, as compared with the figures for 1936-37.
                Kuwait.                       This is accounted for by a marked increase in tbe
                                              export of wool, barley and tea. Pearls of the aggre­
         9.  Beat Building.—Forty nine boat? of an aggre­  gate amount of Rs. 2,58,000 are shown in the tables
        gate value of Rs. 70,100 were built in Kuwait during   as haviLg been exported for sale to Indian market*,
        the year under review. Of these one bad a carrying   but accurate figures of these as well as of specie
       capacity of 240 tons. These figures are not included   can, as mentioned elsewhere^ never be obtained,
       in the Trade Report. Many smaller rowing boats   as both are nearly always carried away amongst
        were also built which it is unnecessary to enumerate.
       The increase is due to the growing reputation of   personal luggage.
                                                Of the total export trade 38-20 per cent, was with
       the Kuwait boats.                      India, 34-42 per cent, with Arab Coast, 17-39 per
         10.  Labour.—The average price of labour was as
       follows:—                              cent.’with Iraq, 7-93 per cent, with Persian Coast
                                              and 2-06 per cent, with other countries.
          1. An unakillod labourer From Re. 1 &o Re. 1-8 p. <L
          2.  A Carpenter  From Re. 2 to Re. S p. i   14.  Rm in fall.—
          3. A boat bailder .  From Re. 2 to Ra. 4 p. i
         11.  The Year 1937-38.—The year under review   April. 1937  .         •32
       was again not a favourable one for trade, although   May. 1837   .      •14
       H showed a slight improvement in the exports of the   November, 1027   1-70
       immediately preceding 12 months, owing to the   January, 1831          1-22
       increased trade with the Saudi Coastal porta and   February, 1822      1-27
       Dubai. This must be put down to the depression im  Marti, 1932 .        *20
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