Page 439 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 439
List of Prominent Merchants—contd. Statement showiug distribution of the proceed*
of a sailing ship, for both of her out and in
Name, Line. Remark*. voyages.
Ra. A. t.
> Z. Alxlur H'dha t>in Wholesale dialer In Proceed a from freight . 7.000 0 0
Itaaan al Mut- hardware and
i««a. glaaoware. Lt*4 coat of food supplies 1.000 0 0
13. Abdul Ail* bln ralnta. tackkt *rid
iluaain AMIamar. Ironware ta
14. IlaJI Muhammad General mrrchanU Not proceed* . 6,000 0 0
llii'.iln Ikltbrhaul and Slcainahlp
•ml Sun*. Agent*.
13. Yn-uf Muha initiiad General uu-rehant. The ahipow ncr’a nett income of the proceed*
IIu-aln Jlclltw-
lianl. R*. a. r.
U /-aid Mn Slrhan Dealer In perfurnea. Half of the nett •
17. Khalld bin Yuauf Ditto. proceed* 3.000 0 0
M'Uawwa. l.<n total of 3*
in. Mrat-r*. Jariinniual General nitrchan- Branrii iea al B«ara chart's of R*. 111-2
A Mona. dl»c, I’ro»Ulon«, and .Bahrain.
inrlo*, Or.uu- c-ith, ns detailed
]'hon<« etc., etc. below . . 368 15 0
10. Muhammad Hall' We.velm, Provblona
Idn lluaain and central
llrlilx haul. iiicrrliamll*.
Net income 2.611 1 0
So. Abdul lla-ool llajl PrnvWo>n«, elga-
FaraJ. relief,. etc. Bnlacce to go to the
crew . 3.368 15 0 6,000 0 0
Xoir. — I- a filial! loan, the a<idrt*»<-* a* giv«-a above
will auU.ce lor <om*)-ui<icm.e jimp-
The crew’* nett income m abovo 3,388 15 0
Statement showing the distribution of the
proceeds of a season's catch of a pearling
R*. a. v.
Proceed* from the enlo of peari* 8,000 0 0
Distribution of the Crete'» income.
Lrst one fifth, being share of the
boat’* owner .... I,COO 0 0
No. or sii mra oaawv
The crew’* shore of the proceed* 6.400 0 0 *r tac*.
Lc** cost of food supplies 1.400 0 0 Detcrlptko rX the No. of Total
crew. crew. From the J \ Prom aliarra.
The crew'* nett income . 5,000 0 0 mw'a ahlpow ner’a
Inroroe. Income.
Distribution of the Crew's income. Nakhuda l t s
l*t itccrer 1 0* U
No. of 2nd atcerew. . . 1 . o*
No of the •hart* Tr.tAl 1ft
Description of the trc*. crew. drawn by ■tiarca. 3rd ateerew 0
each 1ft 1ft
Fireman 1 0* 1ft
Nakhuda . 1 I S Cmr . ' . 1 19 * 0 19
Diver* (or Chula) V 10 s SO .Cook. ... . 1ft . 0 1ft
Hauler* (or Safe) 10 t so £a*U Jollybaat 1 0 . 1
Cook . 1 s t
Bad till (bojra, 2 - one SaTb) t 1 * Tor at * 25 27 3ft 30ft
Tor at 24 S7’
R*. 3,388-16-0 divided into 30*
1U. 6,000-0-0 divided into 67 share*, share*, make R* 111-2 for the
make K*. 87-11-6 for the share. share. R*. 111-2x30* . — R*. 3,368 10 0
R*. 87-11-6X57 . wRi. 6,000 0 0