Page 441 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 441

                                          TABLE C
           Import* of Principal Article* by Steamer* during the year* 1935-36, 1936-37 and 1937-38.

                                                 Qoahtitt.              Value.
                  Description of Article*.
                                           1935-30  1936-37  19:17.38  1933-36  1936-37  1937-38

                                                                  R*.    R*.     Ra.
        Anchor*                      No*.     40      37     76     200    370    760
         Building Material* .        Value                          180    880
        Carpet*                                                   74,100  71,600  18,600
        Cartridges, Sporting .       Boxes            50     82   3,000   1,400  6,840
        Oment                        Cwt.   60,915  35.760  55,547  60,945  36,766  66.072
        Charcoal .                           1,658  2,677  2,951   3,316  6.354  6,902
        Cigarette Paper              Case*            44          2,100   6,350
        Coal nn*l Coal Tor           Value                         1,014   303
        Coffee                       Cwt.    0,906  2,609   377  2,76,150  1,03,900  2,62,660
        Coir and Coir Hope .         Value                        4,020   2.860  6,500
        Cotton                       Cwt.     366    496    291   5,490  24,800  8,730
        Drugs                        Value                        35,725  62,080  67,15*0
        Kmit, Fresh and Dried                                       816   3,345  2,690
        Ground Nut*                  Cwt.     317                  1.388
        Gunny bag*. Empty .          Value                          195
        Gun*, .Sporting .                                          1,080   440    COO
        Hardware and Glassware                                   0,22,340  6,31,200  8,61,125
        Iron and Ironware                                          8,720  16,650  7.72*9
        Machinery                                                          110   3,430
        .Matches .                                               1.33.800  1,09,900  89,160
        Metals                                                     1.350          864
        .Motor Can and Cycles        Not.     26      43     35   46,700  72,300  72^00
        Nut* Do^tert                 Value                                • •'   2,592
        Oil, Crude                                                5,200   2,610
        Oil, Kerosene                G.-ILa.  75,740  1,11,156  125,108  37,880  55,579  60,554
        Oil, Other sorts             Vulue                          025         66,272
        Old Clothing                                               8,400  7,850  12,800
        Onions                       C^i.    3,560  2,558         11,870  10.272  7,666
        Paints and Colours           Value                                 600
         Pepper, Black .                                           1,037
        Percussion Capa              Cues                     5                  2,050
         Petrol and Benz in          Galls.  105,368  174,816  165,664  1,02,525  1,52,964  1.41,431
        Piece Goods                  Value                       7,07,000  4,64,300  6,20,001*
        Pistol round*                Case*                    2                   ?>0
        Poises                       Cwt.     915                  4,240
        Rice                                65,530  92,703  99,220  3,54,849  4.94,376  6,29,178
        Sesame                                 37                   175   1*348
        Soap .    .                  Vd ae                         2,964         5, ISO
        <Specie                                                          73,650  4,30,343
        Starch                                                     1,368
        Sugar, Loaf                  Cwt.    6.915  1,500   1,765  39,053  8,400  12,355
        Sugar, Soft                         124,570  110,109  31,384  7.17.C24  4,49,136  1,36,736
        Tallow .                      99      230    348    393    3,750  6,236  7.CW0
        Tamarind                              246    348    309    1,230  1,740  1,845
        Tea ...                              8,657   843   3,825  4^2.850  42,150  2.02,831
        Timber ...                   Value                          84   16,725   670
        Tobacco ...                  Cut.    3,317  2,770   1,964  22,023  13,850  20,680
        Tugboat* .   . .             No*.                     1                 53,400
        Vegetable Product* .         Value                        10,035  33,960
        Wheat flour •  .             Cwt.     180    368    339     720   1,900  IOU
        Article* not specified above  Value                        2,160  1,880  21,674
                                                                37,50.760  29,87 ftl*  37,06.961
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